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Enrolment and Registration Français | Print

Enrolment and registration should not be confused. They are two separate actions which are defined as follows.

Enrolment - Students who are eligible to enter or proceed, enrol by placing themselves in courses, using the University’s enrolment system, in accordance with the regulations of the Faculty and its teaching units. All students, whether newly admitted, returning or continuing, must formally enrol in their courses.

Once you have selected and enrolled in courses, the next major step is to register.

Registration is the process by which you become listed on the official student records of the University. Students register by paying tuition fees for courses in which they are enrolled, in accordance with the regulations of the Registrar’s Office. Students who are not registered in a course are not entitled to have their work in the course graded.

In order to register, you must:

  1. pay all outstanding financial liabilities owing to the University;
  2. enrol in a program of study for which you are eligible and in courses to which you are entitled;
  3. pay your current academic fees.

The Senate, the Board of Governors and the administration of York University reserve the right to make changes in both the fees and regulations given in the Undergraduate Calendar, without prior notice.

Please note: for complete information on enrolment, consult the Enrolment and Registration Guide available at