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Religious Accommodations / Senate Policy on Women's Remembrance Day Français | Print

Senate’s policy governing the setting of sessional dates and examination schedules includes a statement on religious observances which has two parts:

“York University is committed to respecting the religious beliefs and practices of all members of the community and making accommodations for observances of special significance to adherents.”

“Every effort will be made to avoid scheduling in-class or formal examinations on days of special religious significance throughout the year. A schedule of dates for such days for various faiths will be compiled annually and distributed widely. Students will be informed of procedures for requesting and arranging accommodations.”

In May 1998 Senate approved a policy to commemorate Women's Remembrance Day that encourages the planning and funding of activities appropriate to Women’s Remembrance Day. The Senate policy also encourages faculty to highlight Women’s Remembrance Day in their classes and to incorporate in their classes, as appropriate, some of the issues facing women, particularly violence against women. The administration is asked to support the development of workshops to assist faculty with their preparations.

Information about this policy is provided to students in publications such as the Undergraduate Calendar. The University community will also be informed in advance of activities associated with Women's Remembrance Day.