York has a policy of supporting and accommodating students with physical, sensory, medical, learning or mental health disabilities who wish to pursue higher education. If you have a diagnosed disability, we encourage you to identify yourself during the admissions process. Even if your circumstances don't impact your admissibility to the University (you meet our admission requirements), we want to make sure you know about the support services we have in place. In no way will identifying yourself be a disadvantage to you. We want to know who you are only so we can ensure you get the support you need during the admission process and afterwards. York University's Counselling and Disability Services provides a professional and supportive environment in which all York students have equitable access to a range of services that assist in facilitating their academic success. If you become a York student, you should consult with an adviser prior to the beginning of the academic year. Arrangements should be made before the start of your academic term. Failure to make these arrangements may jeopardize your opportunity to receive academic accommodations. For more information visit http://futurestudents.yorku.ca/requirements/disabilities.