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Science and Engineering (SC) – Science and Technology Studies Print

Location: 205 Bethune College, Tel.: 416-736-5164
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Professors: J. Hattiangadi, Philosophy; R. Jarrell, Natural Science; B. Lightman, Humanities
Associate Professors: K. Anderson, Humanities; S. Bailey, Humanities; E. Hamm, Natural Science; E. Jones-Imhotep, Natural Science; K. Kroker, Natural Science; A. Martin, Sociology; J. Steigerwald, Humanities
Assistant Professors: D. Durant, Natural Science; R.A. Dyer, Natural Science; N. Myers, Anthropology; J. Saindon, Natural Science; G. Shen, Humanities; A. Viseu, Communication Studies
Assistant Lecturer: D. Lungu, Natural Science

The Science and Technology Studies program provides students with the opportunity to study the place of modern science and technology in human culture and society from an integrated, critical and interdisciplinary perspective. The program, housed in both the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies and the Faculty of Science and Engineering, includes courses dealing with the history, philosophy and sociology of the mathematical, physical, biological and social sciences, as well as the social, cultural and intellectual contexts which both shaped and were shaped by thinking in those fields. Themes and areas of concentration include: 1) science, technology and social change; 2) history and philosophy of science, technology and the social sciences; 3) science, technology and humanistic thought; and 4) science, technology and the arts.

For students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Science and Technology Studies program equips them with a broad interdisciplinary education which prepares them for all types of careers. Graduating students will have the same postgraduate opportunities as those possessing an Honours BA in arts fields - i.e. an opportunity to enter professional schools or graduate programs. Students who graduate from the Science and Technology Studies program will be especially qualified to pursue graduate work in graduate programs in history and philosophy of science, as well as their congruent disciplines. For Faculty of Science and Engineering students, the Science and Technology Studies program equips them with a broad interdisciplinary education while allowing them to specialize in one of the many fields of science (biology, chemistry, physics etc.). As a result, career opportunities in science and elsewhere are readily available.

All graduates of this program are well equipped for further studies in law, medicine, education, journalism and environmental policy. For specific program requirements, please consult the appropriate Faculty Programs of Study section.

Science and technology studies is offered by the Faculties of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies and Science and Engineering.