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Fine Arts (FA) – Dance Print

Location: 301 Accolade East, Tel.: 416-736-5137
Chair: C. Wootten
Professors: P. Reed Doob, D. Krasnow, H. Small, M.J. Warner
Associate Professors: C. Anderson, A.R. Blewchamp, K. Bowes-Sewell, D. Callison, N.S. Fisher-Stitt, M.E. Manley, D. Robinson, C. Wootten
Assistant Professors: P. Alcedo, W. Mackwood
Adjunct Professors: D. Grossman, G. Lum, M. Thakkar
Graduate Program Director MFA: D. Callison
Graduate Program Director MA/PhD: D. de Val

Programs of Study

The Department of Dance offers a comprehensive education in dance as a performing art leading to a BA (90 credits), Specialized Honours BFA (120 credits) or Specialized Honours BA (120 credits) degree. Throughout the program BFA students participate intensively in studio courses involving ballet and modern technique, conditioning for dancers, improvisation, music, composition/choreography, repertory, dance production, pedagogy and somatic education. Special performance opportunities are available through the York Dance Ensemble. Critical, analytical and writing skills are fully developed in the areas of dance studies and dance history, movement analysis, kinesiology and injury prevention, dance writing, dance ethnology and anthropology. Honours BA majors focus on dance studies, examining the role of dance in human societies, and in their final year undertake a capstone project. The Honours BA is particularly appropriate for those who wish to undertake a double major combining dance with another field. The program is enriched by distinguished guest lecturers, master teachers and choreographers, performances, films, workshops and the integration of new technologies. The emphasis in the department is to prepare people for careers and graduate work in dance and other fields.

A placement evaluation is required of all entering BFA students. Applicants for that degree must have had some training in either ballet or modern dance. See details on evaluations in the Faculty of Fine Arts Rules and Regulations section of this Undergraduate Calendar. Advancement to second, third and fourth level dance technique courses is by juried audition only.

Through the joint five-year National Ballet School/York University diploma degree program students can combine study towards a Specialized Honours BFA in dance with the Teacher Training Program at the National Ballet School. Students interested in this joint program will be expected to declare their interest in the first year of study.

Dance majors are eligible to apply for the Concurrent program of the Faculty of Education.

A dance minor program is available for students who are majoring in another discipline in the Faculties of Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Health, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies or Science and Engineering. The minor requires the equivalent of 30 credits in dance theory and practice.