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Education – Economics (Intermediate/Senior only) Print

The best preparation for teaching economics is a BA degree or equivalent Honours degree in economics. Courses can be chosen in consultation with a Faculty of Education adviser and/or the subject course director. There is potential for conflicts or repetition in courses when choosing similar teaching subjects, such as ones that fall under the business, computer studies or economics category. Although you may select these combinations, we would like to advise you that you may have the same course director and same course outline for both teaching subject classes. 24 credits in the teaching subject area must be completed prior to enrolling in ED/ECON 3051 6.00.

First Teaching Subject

As a first teaching subject, you must complete six full-year (or equivalent) courses from the teaching subject area.

Second Teaching Subject

As a second teaching subject, you must complete four full-year (or equivalent) courses from the teaching subject area.