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Student Services – Centre for Human Rights

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Location: 2070 TEL Building, Tel.: 416-736-5682, TTY: 416-650-8023, Fax: 416-650-4823, e-mail:
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm (after hours appointments can be arranged where necessary)

Welcome to York University’s Centre for Human Rights (CHR). The CHR’s mission and mandate is to advocate and educate about the spirit and intent of the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code) as well as all human rights policies at York. The CHR does this by assisting individuals and groups to address and resolve allegations of discrimination and harassment as defined by the Code through an accessible, impartial, non-adversarial and confidential process. This service is available to any current student, staff or faculty member of the York University community. When such allegations are raised, an inquiry will be conducted at an informal level, seeking resolution early and effectively for the individual(s) involved. Where a complaint cannot be resolved informally, the matter will be investigated in accordance with established University policies, practices and agreements.

The CHR also fulfills its mandate through educational and other initiatives that promote a culture of respect, equity, appreciation for diversity and inclusion. As part of its educational role, the CHR liaises with human rights groups, committees, associations and organizations both within the University and in the external community, as resources permit, with a view to gaining knowledge and information about emerging issues as well as best practices.

In addition, the CHR serves as a repository of information including the maintenance references and resources about human rights issues. Staff is available to provide information, referrals and advice to all sectors of the community.