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Lassonde (LE) – Civil ENGINEERING

Location: 425 Life Sciences Building, Tel.: 416-736-5901
Undergraduate/Graduate Office: 425 Life Sciences Building, Tel.: 416-736-5901
Chair: J. Sharma
Professor: J. Sharma
Associate Professor: D. Palermo

Offered by the Department of Civil Engineering, the undergraduate program in Civil Engineering deals with designing, building and maintaining buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, canals, water treatment and distribution systems, sewage collection and treatment systems, waste management systems and other infrastructure needed by society. Civil Engineering is perhaps the most diverse discipline in terms of its scope and its applications and has the most profound impact on society and the quality of life. It also plays a huge role in the development of mineral and energy sources and in protecting the environment. Our graduates receive training not only in the traditional areas of Civil Engineering, but also in new and emerging areas such as infrastructure rehabilitation, sustainability, and climate-change-driven engineering. Our aim is to graduate civil engineers with strong communication and entrepreneurial skills and passion for social justice and environmental stewardship. The first year in Civil Engineering provides a strong foundation in physical sciences, applied mathematics, programming and introduces the students to fundamentals of engineering design, professional engineering ethics and communication. The second year in Civil Engineering includes fundamental engineering science courses whereas the third year includes core courses in major Civil Engineering sub-disciplines of structural, geotechnical, environmental/municipal, hydrotechnical, and transportation engineering. The final year in Civil Engineering provides the flexibility of being able to select advanced-level electives in the above-mentioned sub-disciplines as well as electives from Geomatics and other engineering disciplines.