Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries – Entrance |
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Al and Laurie Monaco and Enbridge Inc. Scholarship
Al and Laurie Monaco and Enbridge Inc.
Awarded to an entering Year 1 student who has achieved a minimum admission average of 80 per cent (or equivalent). Students must include a statement of their educational and career objectives under the personal statement section of the Student Financial Profile. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons who are residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Alumni Award of Distinction Scholarship
York University Alumni Association
Candidates must be students in their final year of study in a secondary school who will be seeking admission into first year of undergraduate study at York University in any discipline. Candidates possess a minimum admission average of 90 per cent or equivalent and will have other accomplishments such as leadership in community service, achievement in arts or sports, or excellence in other areas of individual endeavour which demonstrates the wholeness of the person and grace of character. This award is renewed on the basis of continued high academic standing (minimum grade point average of 7.80). The York University Alumni Association donated these awards to celebrate their commitment to York University. The Association has a unique and valuable role to fill in promoting the excellence, welfare and future of the University. These awards will assist the newest generation of York students to realize their dreams.
AOLS Geomatics Engineering Entrance Award
Association of Ontario Land Surveyors
Awarded to two Canadian students who entered the Geomatics Engineering program with the highest final high school average mark provided that the mark is 85% and above. These awards will complement any other award/scholarship that the students may receive.
Arthur Francis Williams Entrance Award
Arthur Francis Williams
Named in memory of Atkinson alumnus Arthur F. Williams, this award is available to a secondary school student entering their first year of undergraduate study at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies who has completed at least one grade 12 university or university/college course (or the equivalent) in the Division of Canadian and World Studies and has a minimum overall average of 85 per cent. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, currently reside in the province of Ontario and demonstrate financial need. This award is renewable for one additional year.
Arthur Francis Williams Mature Student Award
Arthur Francis Williams
Established in memory of Atkinson alumnus Arthur F. Williams, this award will be granted a newly admitted student under the mature student admission basis code to a degree program who provides a written statement demonstrating their interest in an area of Canadian studies. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need.
Arthur Francis Williams Transfer Student Award
Arthur Francis Williams
Established in memory of Atkinson alumnus Arthur F. Williams, this award will be granted to Year 1 students transferring from a Canadian university or college to an undergraduate program. Recipients must provide a written statement demonstrating their interest in an area of Canadian studies; have a minimum admission average of 80 per cent (or equivalent). Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Avie Bennett Award
Avie Bennett
These awards are available to students entering their first year of full-time undergraduate study at the University who are applying from a permanent residence in the City of Brampton (Ontario), who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, who have demonstrated financial need and who have a minimum 75 per cent admission average. After the first year, this award is renewable on an annual basis for up to three years of undergraduate study provided the recipient maintains a minimum grade point average of 7.00 and continues to demonstrate financial need.
Avie Bennett Visionary Leadership Scholarship
Avie Bennett
These awards will be available to students entering their first year of full-time undergraduate study who are applying from a permanent residence in the City of Brampton (Ontario), who have a minimum 80 per cent admission average. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need. The recipient must also have a proven commitment to service and society and a desire to continue that service as a leader while at York.
Awards of Distinction Merit Scholarship
York University
Awarded to applicants short-listed for the Awards of Distinction Scholarship. This scholarship can be held in conjunction with the York University Entrance Scholarship.
BMO Financial Group Scholarships/les Bourses de mérite du Groupe financier BMO
Bank of Montreal
The BMO Financial Group Scholarships will be awarded to incoming students applying to Glendon College from Canadian educational institutions outside Ontario (e.g. high school, community college or other university) with a minimum admission average of 80 per cent. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons and demonstrate financial need.
Bobby Orr Entrance Scholarship - School of Kinesiology and Health Science
Bobby Orr
Bobby Orr has generously funded an endowment at York University which provides an annual entrance scholarship. To be considered for this scholarship an applicant must apply to the Kinesiology and Health Science program. The applicant must also have a distinguished academic record at the secondary school level combined with extracurricular participation or service.
Bourse d'entree des finissants des ecoles de langue française de l'Ontario
York University
La bourse d'entrée des finissants des écoles de langue française de l'Ontario est accordée à tous les finissants des écoles secondaires de langue française de l'Ontario admis à Glendon et démontrant un besoin financier. / This bursary will be granted to an entering Glendon student who graduated from a French first language high school in Ontario and who demonstrates financial need.

Campbell Moving Systems Inc. Award
Campbell Moving Systems Inc.
The Campbell Moving Systems Inc. Award has been established to provide an annual award to a secondary school student entering a first-year program at York University. The successful applicant must have an admission average of 85 per cent or higher, have made a contribution to the life of their school or community. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Canadian Merit Foundation Scholarship
York University
Recipients are selected for this scholarship by CMSF using the following criteria: strong academic achievement and physical vigour, evidence of moral force of character, capacity to lead and to motivate fellow students, evidence of strong commitment to the community both within and outside school.
CFUW Etobicoke - Award for Bridging Students
Recipients of this award will be undergraduate students entering their first year at York University through a bridging course in the School of Women’s Studies. The recipient must meet the academic requirements of a grade of a “B” (6.00) or better to be eligible for the award. Preference will be given to a student from Etobicoke. Recipients will be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons and residents of Ontario who demonstrate financial need.
Chancellor Cory Entrance Scholarship
York University
In honour of York’s 11th Chancellor, Peter deCarteret Cory (LLB ’50), former Supreme Court of Canada justice and distinguished international jurist, this scholarship will be awarded to a student entering the university directly from secondary school who has achieved a minimum 90 per cent admission average and is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person. Recipients of this award are not eligible for the York University Renewable Entrance Scholarship.
Club Richelieu Service Bursary
Le Club Richelieu de Toronto
Awarded to a new full-time Glendon student in exchange for 100 hours of community service in a francophone or bilingual setting in Toronto. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need.
Columbia International College Scholarship
Columbia International College
This scholarship will be awarded to students from Columbia Internatlional College who are entering York University. Students' must achieve an average of 85% or higher in their final year of full time study at Columbia International College. Applicants are also required to demonstrate their leadership skills with their application.
Columbia International Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to students from Columbia Internatlional College who are entering the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies at York University. Students' must achieve an admission average of 85% or higher. Applicants are also required to demonstrate their leadership skills with their application.
Computer Science, Computer Engineering & Information Technology Scholarship
The Computer Science, Computer Engineering & Information Technology Scholarship has been established to assist students entering a Computer Science or Information Technology program. Recipients must present a secondary school admission average of 75 per cent or higher. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Concours provincial de francais
York University
Awarded to two entering Glendon students who have won the Concours provincial de français contest.
David F. Denison and Maureen Flanagan Award
David Denison
These awards will be given annually to students who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Design Talent Entrance Scholarship
York University
Awarded to incoming Year 1 design students. This award is based on performance in the evaluation required for admission into the Design program.
Dr. Vincent Tao Scholarship
Vincent Tao
This scholarship will be awarded to a student entering Year 1 of one of the Engineering programs in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, who has demonstrated academic excellence with one of the highest admission averages. Preference will be given to applicants to the Geomatics Engineering program from an Ontario secondary school. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and a resident in Ontario who demonstrates financial need.
Edith Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Award
York University
Awarded to an incoming BBA/iBBA student who has demonstrated exceptional academic ability in the high school graduating year. Recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, a resident of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Engineering Supplemental Entrance Scholarship
This entrance scholarship is awarded to newly admitted students with an entrance average of 80% or higher, when they become enrolled in an Engineering program at York University. The Engineering Supplemental Entrance Scholarship is donated annually by the School of Engineering in an effort to promote student success in their first year of study at York.
Escott Reid Entrance Scholarship
Friends of Glendon
Awarded to an outstanding student entering Glendon College who has demonstrated activity in international events through education, volunteerism or employment.

Faculty of Education Entrance Award
Awarded to applicants admitted to the Consecutive program in the Faculty of Education. The Faculty of Education Entrance Award’s selection criteria will be based on academic excellence. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 80 per cent (or equivalent) is required to be considered for this award. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Entrance Award
Faculty of Arts
The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies recognizes that students may be challenged in their pursuit of a postsecondary education because of limited financial resources. The Faculty is committed to providing such students with the opportunity to realize their goal to complete an undergraduate degree. Applicants must be admitted to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies with a minimum admission average of 85 per cent. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need. This award is renewable for up to four years of undergraduate study. To renew, recipients must be in a minimum of 18 credits, academically eligible to continue in an Honours program and continue to demonstrate financial need.
Faculty of Science and Engineering Entrance Scholarship
York University
Awarded to Canadian high school students applying to the Faculty of Science and Engineering with an admission average of 90 per cent or above.
Faculty of Science and Engineering YES Olympics Entrance Scholarship
York University
The Faculty of Science and Engineering hosts the annual York Engineering and Science (YES) Olympics Competition for high school science students. At the end of the day the team with the most points is declared the over-all winner. This scholarship will be awarded each year to members of the over-all winning team who register in the Faculty of Science and Engineering with an admission average of 80 per cent or higher (including prerequisite courses).
FIRST Scholarship
This scholarship is open to newly admitted York University students in the Computer Science, Computer Security, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering or Space Engineering programs. Designed to recognize and reward students whose experience with FIRST has inspired an interest in pursuing an education in engineering or computing, candidates must submit a letter of application, describing how participation in FIRST Robotics Competition has been formative in their ambitions for further education along with a letter of reference form a teacher. A high school average of 85% or more is required and the scholarship is renewable subject to remaining in one of the specified programs, completing at least 24 credits per fall/winter session and achieving a cumulative GPA of 6.00.
George and Catherine Fallis Entrance Award
George Fallis
The George and Catherine Fallis Entrance Award is intended to assist a student of promising ability who is challenged in their pursuit of a postsecondary education because of limited financial resources. The recipient must be a secondary school student entering Year 1 of a bachelor of arts program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. They must have a minimum admission average of 85 per cent. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Glendon Alumni Entrance Scholarship
Friends of Glendon
Awarded to an Ontario high school student entering Year 1 at Glendon with high academic standing.
Governors' Awards of Distinction - Murray Ross Scholarship
Murray Ross
Candidates must be students in their final year of study in a secondary school who will be seeking admission into their first year of undergraduate study at York University in any discipline. Candidates must possess a minimum admission average of 90 per cent or equivalent and will have other accomplishments such as leadership in community service, achievement in other areas of individual endeavour which demonstrate the wholeness of the person and grace of character. This award is renewed on the basis of continued high academic standing (minimum grade point average of 7.80). As a Governors’ Award of Distinction, the Murray Ross Entrance Scholarship is one of York University’s most significant and prestigious awards. Murray G. Ross, a native of Nova Scotia, received his university education at Acadia University, the University of Toronto, the University of Chicago and Columbia University. He was a member of the academic staff of the University of Toronto and served as vice-president from 1957-1960. In 1960, Dr. Murray Ross became the President of York University. It was his insight, commitment and leadership which helped to build the University. This award honours York students who share these qualities.
Governors' Awards of Distinction: Betty-Jean and John M. Bankes Scholarship
John Bankes and Family
Candidates must be students in their final year of study in a secondary school who will be seeking admission into their first year of undergraduate study at York University in any discipline. Candidates must possess a minimum admission average of 90 per cent or equivalent and will have other accomplishments such as leadership in community service, achievement in arts or sports, or excellence in other areas of individual endeavour which demonstrate the wholeness of the person and grace of character. As a Governors’ Award of Distinction, The Betty Jean and John M. Bankes Entrance Scholarship is one of York University’s most significant and prestigious awards. This award has been made possible through the generosity of John Bankes, a member of the University’s Board of Governors, and that of his family. The award honours their parents for their long-standing encouragement to family and others to pursue higher education. This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with the York University Continuing Student Scholarship.
Governors' Awards of Distinction: Bruce Bryden Scholarship
Friends and Family of Bruce Bryden
Candidates must be students in their final year of study in a secondary school who will be seeking admission into their first year of undergraduate study at York University in any discipline. Candidates must possess a minimum admission average of 90 per cent or equivalent and will have other accomplishments such as leadership in community service, achievement in other areas of individual endeavour which demonstrate the wholeness of the person and grace of character. This award is renewed on the basis of continued high academic standing (minimum grade point average of 7.80). As a Governors’ Award of Distinction, the Bruce Bryden Entrance Scholarship is one of York University’s most significant and prestigious awards. Named for Bruce Bryden, a member of York’s first undergraduate class and founding president of the York University Alumni Association. He served for 20 years on York’s Board of Governors until his untimely death in 1992. Mr. Bryden will be remembered for his tireless devotion, endless optimism and personal warmth.
Governors' Awards of Distinction: John Proctor Scholarship
Friends and colleagues of John S. Proctor
Candidates must be students in their final year of study in secondary school who are or will be seeking admission into their first year of undergraduate study at York University in any discipline. Candidates must possess a minimum admission average of 90 per cent or equivalent and will have other accomplishments such a leadership in community service, achievement in arts or sports, or excellence in other areas of individual endeavour which demonstrate the wholeness of the person and grace of character. This award is renewed on the basis of continued high academic standing (minimum grade point average of 7.80). As a Governors’ Award of Distinction, the John S. Proctor Entrance Scholarship is one of York University’s most significant and prestigious awards. Named for the former Chancellor and Chair of the University’s Board of Governors and also commemorating the University’s 25th anniversary, this scholarship has been made possible by the generosity of past and present members of the Board.

Great Canadian Bagel Limited Award
The Great Canadian Bagel
The Great Canadian Bagel Limited Award has been established to provide an annual award to a secondary school student entering a first-year program at York University. The successful applicant must have an admission average of 85 per cent or higher, have made a contribution to the life of their school or community. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
HSBC Scholarship
HSBC Bank Canada
The scholarship will be given annually to secondary school students admitted to a direct-entry undergraduate program at York University, who have achieved a minimum secondary school average of 80 per cent or its equivalent. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Harris Steel Entrance Scholarship
Milton E. Harris
Milton Harris, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Harries Steel Group Inc., is committed to encouraging students from across Canada to study in Ontario to promote Canadian unity. These prestigious scholarships were established to recognize exceptional academic achievement among entering undergraduates. Applications will be judged on academic achievement and a 500-1,000 word essay relating to their reasons for wanting to pursue studies at Glendon College.
Harry Arthurs Alumni Families Entrance Scholarship
York University Alumni Association
Applicants must be seeking admission into the first year of undergraduate study, be a child or grandchild of a graduate holding a York University degree, have a minimum admission average of 90 per cent (based on grade 12 U/M courses or equivalent) and have a demonstrated record of participation and leadership in extracurricular student life. This award is renewable in years two, three and four of undergraduate study provided the recipient maintains a minimum grade point average of 7.80 (B+).
Hyacinth Taylor Owen Entrance Bursary
Hyacinth Taylor Owen
This award will be offered to a secondary school student entering their first year of a Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies program at York University from high school in the Jane and Finch Corridor. The successful applicant must meet the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies minimum admission requirements. The application must include a statement outlining financial need and a statement describing community involvement in the Jane and Finch area.
International Circle of Scholars Scholarship
York University
Awarded to international students (required to have a study permit for Canada) entering Year 1 of a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Faculties of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Glendon, Health, Science and Engineering or Schulich School of Business. Applicants must be nominated by their high school, have outstanding academic achievement (A average or equivalent). Applicants must have graduated from secondary school within the past two years. This award is for the first year of study only.
International Entrance Scholarship of Distinction
York University
Awarded to outstanding international applicants from secondary school (or equivalent) who present a minimum A admission average and are applying to a direct entry undergraduate program in one of the following Faculties: Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Glendon, Health, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Science and Engineering, or Schulich. This scholarship can be renewable for an additional three years provided the recipient achieves a minimum cumulative grade point average of 7.80. If recipient's immigration status changes at anytime while studying at York and they are exempted from paying international fees for any reason, the value of this award will be adjusted to reflect domestic tuition fee values.
Irwin Seating Company Award
John Wilson
The Irwin Seating Company Award has been established to provide an annual award to a secondary school student entering a first-year program at York University. The successful applicant must have an admission average of 85 per cent or higher, have made a contribution to the life of their school or community. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
John Brooks Community Foundation Scholarship
York University
The recipients of the John Brooks Community Foundation Scholarship are selected on the basis of academic achievement, admission to a full-time York University program and documented participation in extracurricular activities and community service. Preference will be given to applicants from visible minorities of African descent.
Kinesiology and Health Science Entrance Award
School of Kinesiology and Health Science
This annual entrance award will be given to an outstanding student choosing to pursue the study of kinesiology and health science at York University. The recipient must have a distinguished academic and extracurricular record at the secondary school level. The recipient must also be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate financial need.
Lester Pearson Entrance Scholarship
Friends of Glendon
Awarded to a Year 1 Glendon College student with high academic standing, coming from a province west of Ontario. This scholarship commemorates the Honourable Lester B. Pearson, Prime Minister of Canada from 1963 to 1968 and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.
Malcolm Streete Bursary
Beverly Mascoll Community Foundation
An award will be given to a student entering the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies from Oakwood Collegiate high school or a high school in the Jane-Finch or Regent Park communities. To be eligible, a student must enrol in at least 24 credits, demonstrate financial need, have been involved in their community and declare an interest in studying in the social sciences (including anthropology, economics, human geography, political science or sociology). Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated involvement in the African or Caribbean community.
The NEWAD Award has been established to provide an annual award to a secondary school student entering a first-year program at York University. The successful applicant must have an admission average of 85 per cent or higher, have made a contribution to the life of their school or community, have demonstrable financial need, be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and be a resident of Ontario. NEWAD is a nation-wide indoor advertising network.
Nissan Canada Leadership Entrance Award
Nissan Canada Inc.
The Nissan Canada Leadership Entrance Award will be given annually to an incoming Schulich School of Business BBA or iBBA student who academic achievement. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate financial need.

Omer and Norah Deslauriers Service Bursary
Norah Deslauriers
Awarded to a new full-time Glendon student in exchange for community service in a francophone or bilingual setting in Toronto. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need.
Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education Entrance Scholarships
Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education
Awarded to students entering the accredited undergraduate engineering program at York University who exhibit characteristics of leadership and who have participated in extracurricular activities. Recipients must have achieved a minimum admission average of an 80 per cent or equivalent.
Oscar Peterson Scholarship - Entrance
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
This scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student entering the Music degree program who demonstrates a unique musical ability, especially in the field of jazz performance, as demonstrated through live performance or a portfolio and faces social, economic or personal barriers that could inhibit their ability to pursue a university degree. The recipient must present a minimum admission average of 80 per cent and be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, who is a resident of Ontario and demonstrates financial need. This scholarship is renewable for a maximum of three additional years provided the recipient enrols in a minimum of 18 credits each year and achieves a sessional grade point average of 7.50.
Provost's Scholarship
York University
Awarded to applicants who have graduated from a college of applied arts and technology in Ontario within the past three years, who have no other postsecondary studies, who are planning to pursue their first degree program at York and who have completed a minimum of two full semesters of academic study with an overall grade point average of 3.70 or better on a 4-point scale (A-/80 per cent or equivalent on a York grading scale) including all attempted courses.
Qian Liu Scholarship
To be awarded to an international student who is a graduate of the York University English Language Institute and is pursuing graduate or undergraduate studies at York University. The recipient will have demonstrated the highest academic achievement in their previous studies and have achieved the highest level of proficiency in the York English Language Institute.
Quebec Entrance Scholarship
York University
The Quebec Entrance Scholarship is awarded to Glendon applicants from CEGEPs who hold the DEC, have the highest academic average and are eligible for admission to Year 2.
Randal Dooley Memorial Entrance Bursary
Suzie Gotha
The Randal Dooley Memorial Entrance Bursary will be offered to a secondary school student entering the first year of a Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies program from a high school in the Jane and Finch Corridor. The successful applicant must meet the minimum admission requirements and demonstrate community involvement in the Jane-Finch community. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and a resident of Ontario who demonstrates financial need.
Ray and Joe Abramson Award in Mathematics and Statistics
Blanca Abramson and Professor Morton Z. Abramson
The award will be given annually to a student entering their first year in a major program within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate financial need. Candidates must have a demonstrated record of extracurricular involvement in a math-related club and/or activity. Should there not be a suitable Year 1 candidate, the award will be given to an upper-year mathematics and statistics student who has demonstrated a record of extracurricular involvement in a math-related club and/or activity, is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrates financial need.
Ron Triffon Entrance Scholarship
Friends of Glendon
Awarded to a Year 1 Glendon student with high academic standing, coming from a province east of Ontario. This award has been established in memory of a former Glendon student.
Roseann Runte Scholarship
R. Runte
Roseann Runte, principal of Glendon from 1989 to 1994, supported academic excellence in both French and English as a key to global understanding and peace. This scholarship was established in recognition of the special role of bilingualism in laying the foundation for communication on the national and international level. Student must be entering their first year of studies and have high academic achievement and leadership. Open to Glendon College applicants showing a commitment to bilingualism.
Sarah and Joe Rainsberger Entrance Bursary
Sarah and Joe Rainsberger
Awarded to an incoming student admitted to Glendon College who has been home schooled and demonstrates financial need. Should there be no suitable applicants in a given year the award will be held over until the following year.
Scotiabank Turks and Caicos Islands Scholarship at York University
The Bank of Nova Scotia - International Banking
Established by The Bank of Nova Scotia, this undergraduate scholarship program contributes to the development and retention of sound academic talent in the community of Turks and Caicos Islands. One scholarship will be awarded to an international student (required to hold a study permit to attend York University) entering first year in a business or business-related program who has achieved a minimum admission average of 80 per cent. The student must complete a mandatory summer internships with Scotiabank in Turks and Caicos at the end of each of their first three academic years. Preference will be given to students who participated in the Scotiabank-York University Emerging Global Leaders Program in the Caribbean. The scholarship assists students with a large portion of their academic and living expenses. The scholarship is renewable for a maximum of three additional years provided the recipient enrols in a minimum of 18 credits each year, achieves a sessional grade point average of 7.50 and participates in the summer internship with Scotiabank in Turks and Caicos.
Seymour Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Scholarship
Seymour S. Schulich
In recognition of academic excellence and merit, Seymour Schulich has created the Seymour Schulich BBA Entrance Scholarship. The scholarships are presented to incoming BBA students who have demonstrated academic excellence. Recipients will have been active in their community and demonstrated leadership qualities either in school or through extracurricular activities.
Steven K. Hudson BBA/iBBA Entrance Award
Steven K. Hudson
The Steven K. Hudson BBA Entrance Award is given to a Year 1 BBA/iBBA student who has achieved first class standing (A) in their senior year of high school and has shown strong entrepreneurial achievements. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate financial need. Steven (BBA ’81) and Sharon Hudson have established this award. Steven Hudson is a strong supporter of the York Community.

Tanna H. Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Scholarship
Seymour S. Schulich
In recognition of academic excellence and merit, Seymour Schulich has created the Tanna H. Schulich BBA Entrance Scholarship. The scholarships are presented to incoming BBA students who have demonstrated academic excellence. Recipients will have been active in their community and demonstrated leadership qualities either in school or through extracurricular activities.
Tesma International Inc. Award
Tesma International Inc.
This award has been established to provide an annual award to a deserving secondary school student entering a first-year program at York University. The successful applicant must have a minimum 85 per cent admission average, demonstrate financial need, be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and be a resident of Ontario. Tesma International is a global supplier of highly engineered engine, transmission and fueling systems and components for the automotive industry.
The 25th Anniversary LLIR Bursary
LLIR Glendon
Awarded to two incoming full-time (18 credits) Glendon students in need of financial assistance in exchange for 120 hours of community service in a francophone or bilingual education/community setting in Toronto or on the Glendon campus. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need.
The Alexander Lithographers Award
Peter Alexander
The Alexander Lithographers Award has been established to provide an annual award to a secondary school student entering a first-year program at York University. The successful applicant must have an admission average of 85 per cent or higher, have made a contribution to the life of their school or community. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
The Award for Aboriginal Students
This award will be granted to students of aboriginal ancestry with one award recipient selected from each of the Provincial Territorial Organizations in Ontario (currently Nishnabwe-Aski Nation, Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres, Anishinabek Nation, Union of Ontario Indians, Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians, Grand Council Treaty No. 3, Métis Nation of Ontario). Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons and residents of Ontario who demonstrate financial need and who present a minimum admission average of 70 per cent. Recipients of the award will be required to take part in a mentorship program.
The Chancellor Bennett Entrance Award for the Westview Partnership
This award is available to students from Westview Centennial Secondary School, C.W. Jeffrey’s Collegiate Institute, Emery Collegiate Institute, James Cardinal McGuigan and North Albion Collegiate who are entering a direct-entry undergraduate program who have made a contribution to student life in their secondary school or community. Students must have achieved a minimum admission average of 75 per cent and be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons and residents of Ontario who demonstrate financial need. This award is renewable for a maximum of three additional years. Recipients of a renewable award must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 6.00 and participate in mentoring programs offered in local community schools to support and encourage younger students to persist in their current studies and pursue postsecondary education.
The Faculty of Health Renewable Entrance Award
The award will be given to students entering Year 1 of study in the Faculty of Health who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, who are residents of Ontario, demonstrate financial need and have achieved a minimum admission average of 75 per cent. Students who continue to meet the above criteria will be eligible to renew the award in Years 2, 3 and 4 of study.
The Global Leader of Tomorrow Award for International Students
York University
Awarded to four international students required to have a study permit for Canada entering the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Faculties of Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Glendon, Health, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Science and Engineering or Schulich School of Business. Applicants must be nominated by their high school, have outstanding academic achievement (A average or equivalent) and have other accomplishments such as community service or excellence in the arts, sports or other areas of individual achievement. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have graduated from high school within the past two years.
The Honderich Bursary
The Toronto Star
The Toronto Star has established these awards in honour of its Chair, Beland Honderich. Their purpose is to encourage deserving secondary school students to pursue a university education. A student in their penultimate year at James Cardinal McGuigan Secondary School, C.W. Jefferys Secondary School, Emery Collegiate Institute and Westview Centennial Secondary School will be chosen by the schools annually. The award is renewable for an additional three years. Students are guaranteed a summer job at the Toronto Star at the end of their first year.
The Palladini Family Award
Franco Palladini
The award will be given to a student entering York from either C.W. Jeffrey's Secondary School, Westview Secondary School or James Cardinal McGuigan Secondary School, who has achieved a 70 per cent average and who has demonstrated leadership within the Jane-Finch community or within a student association at their secondary school and who is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, resident of Ontario and who demonstrates financial need.
The Van-Rob Inc. Award
Van-Rob Stampings
The Van-Rob Inc. Award has been established to provide an annual award to a secondary school student entering a first-year program at York University. The successful applicant must have an admission average of 85 per cent or higher, have made a contribution to the life of their school or community, have demonstrable financial need, be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and be a resident of Ontario. Van-Rob Inc. is a supplier of metal stampings, mechanical and modular assemblies to the OEM and aftermarket.
The Westview Entrance Award
This award will be granted to students who are graduates of Westview Centennial Secondary School. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum admission average of 80 per cent. All Westview graduates applying to York University are eligible to apply.
Tom Arnold CPMEA Entrance Scholarship
Confidential, Professional & Managerial Employee Association (CPMEA)
This award will be offered to a secondary school student entering the first year of a direct entry program at York University from a high school in the York Region, inclusive of the municipalities of Aurora, East Gwillimbury, Georgina, King, Markham, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Whitchurch-Stouffville. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have a minimum final admission average of 80 per cent to be considered.

Unilever Canada Undergraduate Entrance Award in Environmental Studies
Unilever Canada Limited
Awarded to an incoming Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES) undergraduate student who has achieved a minimum 80 per cent admission average and has written an excellent 1,000 word essay on their vision of sustainability. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need. This award has been made available through the generous support of Unilever Canada Limited.
University Scholarship in Translation
Translation Bureau, Canadian Language Sector Enhancement Program (CLSEP)
Awarded to the top students admitted to the BA in translation in either the four-year Honours program or the accelerated two-year program at Glendon with a minimum admission average of 80 per cent (or equivalent). Students must be enrolled in a full-time course load (minimum 18 credits). The scholarship will be renewable for an additional year for students in the accelerated program and for an additional two years for students in the Honours program. Students must achieve a minimum 7.50 cumulative grade point average to be considered for the renewal.
York Design Renewable Entrance Scholarship
York University
Awarded to Canadian high school students applying to the Joint Design undergraduate program, who have completed their secondary school diploma with high academic standing. This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with any other renewable entrance scholarship or a Continuing Student Scholarship. To renew these scholarships, recipients must maintain a minimum grade point average of 8.00 and complete a minimum of 24 credits taken during the entire academic year (previous summer and fall/winter sessions).
York University Academic Excellence Scholarships for International Students
Awarded to outstanding international applicants from secondary school (Canada or abroad) who have the highest academic admission average and are entering the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Faculties of Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Glendon, Health, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Science and Engineering or Schulich School of Business. Applicants must demonstrate a strong level of proficiency with the English language. Applicants must have graduated from high school within the past two years.
York University Athletic Financial Award
York University
Athletic Financial Awards were established to support athletic and academic excellence. These awards are available to full-time undergraduate students entering York University. Candidates must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons and have a minimum admissions average of 80 per cent (or equivalent). Students eligible for the York University Renewable Entrance Scholarship and the York University Entrance Award will have the value of the scholarship/award included as part of the Athletic Financial Award. To renew this award, students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 6.00 each year and enrol in a minimum of 18 credits.
York University Awards of Achievement
York University
Available to secondary school students applying to a direct-entry undergraduate program with an admission average of 85 per cent or higher, have contributed to the life of their school and/or community. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need. This award is renewable for a maximum of three additional years. To renew, students must be eligible to continue in an Honours program, maintain a cumulative grade point average of 5.00, enrol in a minimum of 18 credits each year and must continue to demonstrate financial need.
York University Entrance Bursary for Aboriginal Students
This bursary is available to status and non-status undergraduate students of aboriginal ancestry who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons and are residents of Ontario who demonstrate financial need. The bursary is renewable for a maximum of three additional years provided the student maintains a cumulative grade point average of a 5.00 (C+) and enrolment in a minimum of 18 credits.
York University Entrance Prize
York University Development Corporation
A yearly prize allocated annually (subject to conditions) to cover $2000 tuition each year for a total of four years tuition (i.e. renewable) for a student entering York that has won or whose family has won the Undercover Boss TTC episode customer service opportunity. The chosen prize recipient will still be required to separately meet the scholarship and admission eligibility for York University which will be determined after application to the University. The prize will only be provided in subsequent years if certain conditions established by the University are fulfilled including maintaining a minimum grade point average from the prior year of York University study (i.e. GPA = 7.50).
York University Faculty Association ACE Bursary
York University Faculty Association Trust
These awards will be offered to secondary school students entering the first year of a direct-entry program at York University from a high school in the Jane and Finch community. Preference will be given to students who have completed the York/Westview Partnership Advance Credit Experience. Applicants will be selected based on their performance in the ACE course, demonstrated leadership in the ACE program and their COOP placement evaluation. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need. Recipients are limited to a maximum of $10,000 in entrance scholarships, awards and bursaries (including the value of this award).
York University Mature Students Entrance Scholarship
York University
Awarded to students with a record of outstanding achievement who are admitted under the mature student basis of admission. Selection will be based on strong academic performance or work history, community or volunteer experience and personal development as well as clearly outlined interests and goals for university studies.
York University President's Scholarship
York University
York University offers President’s Scholarships to those secondary school applicants, to a first year daytime undergraduate program, with the highest entrance averages. These scholarships are renewable for an additional three years of undergraduate study provided the student maintains a sessional grade point average of 7.80 and registers in a minimum of 18 credits in the fall/winter session. Once lost this scholarship cannot be regained.
York University Renewable Entrance Scholarship
York University
The York University Renewable Entrance Scholarships are awarded to secondary school students applying to a direct-entry undergraduate program who are Canadian citizens, permanent residences or protected persons and have completed their secondary school diploma with high academic standing. Scholarship values are as follows:
- $12,000 ($3,000 x 4 years) - final admissions average 95 per cent and above
- $8,000 ($2,000 x 4 years) - final admissions average 90 per cent - 94.9 per cent
- $4,000 ($1,000 x 4 years) - final admissions average 85 per cent - 89.9 per cent
- $2,000 ($500 x 4 years) - final admissions average 80 per cent - 84.9 per cent
This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with any other renewable entrance scholarship or a Continuing Student Scholarship. To renew these scholarships, recipients must maintain a minimum 8.00 sessional grade point average and enrol in 24 credits each year taken during the entire academic year (previous summer and fall/winter sessions). This scholarship can be held within the first four years university (direct-entry program only). Effective fall/winter 2009, students who receive this scholarship in fall/winter 2009 or later, if the scholarship is lost in a given year, it cannot be regained.
York University Talent Entrance Scholarship
York University
Award based on performance in the audition or evaluation required for admission to the Faculty of Fine Arts. This scholarship can be held in conjunction with the York University Entrance Scholarship, if eligible.
York University United World College Scholarship
York University
Awarded to an international student (required to have a study permit for Canada) entering first year of a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Faculties of Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Glendon, Health, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies (bachelor of arts or bachelor of administrative studies only), Science and Engineering or Schulich School of Business. Applicants must be nominated by their school, have outstanding academic achievement (A average or equivalent) and have other accomplishments such as community service or excellence in the arts, sports or other areas of individual achievement. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have graduated from high school (or equivalent) within the past two years.
Yorke Towne Supplies Ltd. Visionary Leadership Scholarship
Michael Harrison
Available to students entering their first year of full-time undergraduate study at the University and who have a minimum 80 per cent admission average. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need. Candidates must demonstrate previous engagement in good citizenship and leadership and express a commitment to future leadership. As part of the scholarship renewal requirements, students are required to complete a leadership project. Students are also required to maintain a cumulative grade point average of a 7.50 and maintain full-time status (enrolment in a minimum of 18 credits for the fall/winter academic session).
Subject to Change
All awards and programs listed are subject to change without notice as of Jan. 16, 2012.