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Environmental Studies – Academic Advising and the BES Program Checklist


It is critical that students enrolled in the BES program attend a mandatory group advising meeting held annually in February and March with the BES Advisor. Following the group session, students submit a completed BES Program Checklist.

At the advising meeting, students learn about program objectives, future course selections, degree and certificate program options as well as how to complete the Program Checklist.

The BES Program Checklist is extremely important; it is a tool used by students to track their degree progress and to ensure they meet their BES degree requirements including their declared Area of Concentration. Each student, upon completion of their first year and each subsequent year thereafter is required to complete a BES Program Checklist in full and submit to the BES adviser by the end of April.

After attending the mandatory group advising session, students who need additional assistance can schedule an appointment with the BES Adviser.  Receiving an individual appointment is contingent upon confirmation of attendance in one of the group advising sessions.

Neglecting to submit a properly completed program Checklist to the BES Advisor for approval may result in a delay in course registration for the fall/winter term.  Furthermore, it may prohibit students from enrolling in their desired or required courses.

Students in their final year of study must attend the mandatory group advising session, complete the BES Program Checklist and then must book an individual appointment with the Adviser. Receiving an individual appointment is contingent upon confirmation of attendance in one of the group advising sessions. The BES Program Checklist must be completed in full prior to the individual appointment to be reviewed with the Adviser. 

Students considering the Course Based Option (CBO) for their program of study are not required to enrol in ES/ENVS 3011 3.00 Introduction to Senior Honours Work or ES/ENVS 4000 6.00  Senior Honours Work Seminar. However, students must select alternative courses in their declared Area of Concentration in addition to the Area of Concentration requirements to replace ES/ENVS 3011 3.00 and  ENVS 4000 6.00. Those who have already completed ES/ENVS 3011 3.00 are under no obligation to complete ES/ENVS 4000 6.00 and can still opt for the CBO.

Please note that those considering taking ES/ENVS 4000 6.00 (i.e. the thesis option) should be prepared to devote a considerable amount of time and attention to their research, analysis and write-up in a relatively unstructured format that some may find very challenging, labour-intensive and time-consuming. Only those who understand this and are committed to such a process should consider the thesis option.

Advising appointments can be made through the Advisor, room 137 HNES or by phone at 416-736-2100 ext. 33510. Students who fail to follow the above; namely, have a group advising appointment and hand in a completed BES Program Checklist, will be blocked from enrolment and registration for the fall/winter sessions.