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Education – Drama


The best preparation for teaching drama is a BA or BFA in theatre. Courses may be chosen in consultation with a Faculty of Education adviser and/or the subject course director if necessary.

Junior/Intermediate or Second Teaching Subject

Candidates must complete a total of 24 credits. Candidates must complete at least 12 credits of courses with a studio component in drama and 12 credits need to be completed at the 3000 or 4000 level in theatre.

First Teaching Subject

Candidates for intermediate/senior must complete a total of 36 credits for a first teaching subject. Candidates must complete at least 18 credits of courses with a studio component in drama and 18 credits need to be completed at the 3000 or 4000 level in theatre. 24 credits in the teaching subject area must be completed prior to enrolling in ED/DRAA 3051 6.00.