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Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies (AP) – Creative Writing

Location: 208 Stong College, Tel.: 416-736-2100, ext. 33304
Program Coordinator: M. Helm
Affiliated Faculty: R. Dunlop, D. Goldstein, M. Helm, P. Keeney, P. Uppal

Creative writing is a delayed-entry Honours BA program. Students planning to apply for admission to the Creative Writing program are strongly advised to six credits in writing related courses among their first 30 University credits. Such courses include:

In most cases, students must successfully complete AP/EN 2600 6.00 or its equivalent before applying for admission to the Creative Writing program as a major or minor. Students taking AP/EN 2600 6.00 who wish to obtain full admission to the program as a major or minor should submit a 15-20 page portfolio of poetry and prose fiction following completion of AP/EN 2600 6.00.

Students may also apply for full admission after their first 48 credits and before completion of their first 78 credits by presenting a portfolio containing work in both poetry and prose fiction as evidence of writing experience equivalent to that provided by AP/EN 2600 6.00. In either case, applicants must also fill out a Creative Writing program application form. Acceptance of the portfolio by the Creative Writing Committee constitutes full admission to the Honours Major or Honours Minor program. Students who have not taken AP/EN 2600 6.00 are advised that six additional workshop credits will be required to take the place of 2600 in their major program.

Prospective students are reminded that Creative Writing is an Honours only program, obliging both prospective students and continuing majors to maintain Honours Standing

It is strongly recommended that students in the Honours BA program combine creative writing with another major (excluding professional writing) or minor.