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School of Women's Studies Print

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies (AP)

School of Women’s Studies Office/Bureau de l’École des études des femmes : 206 Founders College, Tel.: 416-650-8144
Web site:
Chair of the School/Directrice de l’École études des femmes : B. Bradbury
Director of Undergraduate Programs/Directrice des programmes de premier cycle : J. Kainer
Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Program Office/Bureau du programme : 206 Founders College, Tel.: 416-650-8144
Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Program Coordinator/Coordonnatrice du programme du Liberal Arts and Professional Studies : J. Kainer
Mature Student Program Office/Bureau du programme d’éducation aux adultes : 206 Founders College, Tel.: 416-650-8144
Adviser and Mature Student Coordinator/Conseillère et Coordonnatrice du programme d’éducation aux adultes : Alison Crosby
Glendon Program Office/Bureau du programme de Glendon : 125 York Hall, Tel.: 416-487-6828
Glendon Program Coordinator/Coordonnatrice du programme à Glendon : A. François
Sexuality Studies Program Office: 206 Founders College, Tel.: 416-650-8144
Sexuality Studies Coordinator: A. Gosine
Faculty Members in the School of Women’s Studies/Membres du corps enseignant
Professors/Professeures : L. Briskin, M. Kadar, V. Lindström, M. Luxton, H. Moghissi, L. Peake
Professors Emeriti/Professeures émerites : N. Black, J. Couchman, S. Houston, T. McCormack, S. Pyke, V. Rock, S. Romalis, R. Shteir, J. Stuckey, C. Thomas, S. Wilkinson
Associate Professors/Professeures agrégées : B. Bradbury, E. Dua, J. Kainer, F. Latchford, P. McDermott, G. Mianda, J. Michaud, R. Newman, J. Newton, B. Noble, A. O’Reilly, L. Ripley, M. Stein, C. van Daalen-Smith
Associate Professor Emeriti/Professeure agrégée émerites : E. Hine, E. Reiter, A. Testaferri
Assistant Professors/Professeures adjointes : A. Crosby, A. François, A. Mitchell

Women’s Studies

Women’s studies offers interdisciplinary courses on women and gender that encourage students to develop the practical, theoretical, communications and organizational skills to think, write and act critically and creatively. Students will gain the skills necessary to conduct research and transform the knowledge gained into any future career they may choose, including an ongoing career as a graduate student.  Our interdisciplinary courses explore relations of power in the lives of individuals, groups and cultures in a multiplicity of settings and sites locally and transnationally. The rich, interdisciplinary feminist scholarship in women’s and gender studies pushes students to interrogate constructions and intersections of gender, race, class, age, ability and sexuality in daily life, popular culture, the arts, the sciences, politics, society, the economy etc. We encourage students to engage individually and collectively in the transformative processes of feminist scholarship, practices and politics.

The School of Women’s Studies unites academic resources at York University in women’s studies, bringing together the undergraduate and graduate programs, the non-credit Bridging program, and the Centre for Feminist Research.

A feature which distinguishes the Women’s Studies program offered at Glendon from the program offered in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies is its bilingual focus. Courses may be taken in English in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies and English or in French at Glendon College.

Students may pursue a degree in women’s studies in the Faculties of Glendon or Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. For specific program requirements, please consult the relevant Programs of Study sections.

Departmental and Divisional Courses in Women’s Studies

For an up-to-date listing of courses in other departments and divisions that count for program credit, please refer to the School of Women’s Studies annual supplemental calendar and/or the School of Women’s Studies Web site.

Courses in Women’s Studies/Cours en études des femmes

Not all courses will necessarily be offered in any given year. Courses may be offered at Glendon or on the Keele campus, during the day or in the evening. For information about specific offerings, or for a listing of other courses that count towards program credit, please consult the School of Women’s Studies supplemental calendar and/or the School of Women’s Studies Web site.

Note: for purposes of meeting program requirements, all foundations courses will count as six credits towards the major.

Women's studies is offered by the Faculties of Glendon and Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.