![]() Academic Sessions The academic year is divided into two “sessions”: the fall/winter session and the summer session. The fall/winter session normally begins in September and ends in April or May. Within the fall/winter session there are two “terms”: the fall term, that begins in September and ends in December and the winter term that begins in January and ends in April or May. The fall and winter terms last for approximately 13 weeks each and the fall/winter session lasts about 26 weeks. The summer session normally begins in May and is normally completed in August. This session is comprised of numerous terms ranging in varying lengths of instructional time from six to 13 weeks. Information on sessional/term dates can be found on the Current Students Web site (http://www.yorku.ca/yorkweb/cs.htm). Course Numbering Courses listed in this publication have the form: AP/EN 1000 6.00 which contains the following key parts: AP = the designation of the Faculty offering the course (in this case, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies); EN = the prefix of the teaching unit offering the course (in this case, English); 1000 = the number of the course, the first digit of which identifies the level of the course; and 6.00 = the suffix indicating the “credit value” of the course. Credit Value of Courses The Faculties at York University may offer courses with varying credit value. Each course will have a suffix identifying the credit value for that particular course. For example, AP/EN 1000 6.00 has the suffix “6.00”, signifying that the course carries a credit value of six. The credit value normally correlates to the length of the course and the number of hours the course meets per week. A course with a “3.00” suffix would meet three hours per week for one term while a “6.00” suffix would normally meet for three hours per week for the session (or two terms). The York Courses Web site (https://w2prod.sis.yorku.ca/Apps/WebObjects/cdm) lists the courses being offered as well as the terms, days of the week, time and location of each course. Cross-listed Courses As has been noted, the prefix of a course indicates the unit or program which offers the course. Many courses are “cross-listed”: that is, they are offered jointly by two or more teaching units such as departments or divisions. In some cases, courses are cross-listed between units in two different Faculties. Cross-listed courses may not be “double-counted” in order to fulfill degree requirements; e.g. if AP/HUMA 4610 6.00 is cross-listed with HH/PSYC 4120 6.00, it may be counted as a humanities course or a psychology course, but not as both. Overlapping Courses Some courses overlap significantly with other courses in terms of content and approach. There are two categories of overlap: course substitutions and course credit exclusions. Course substitutions: These are pairs of courses which are similar enough in content that they can replace each other in order to fulfill program requirements. Note that only one of the pair can be taken for degree credit. Course substitutions are identified in the Programs of Study section of the Undergraduate Calendar. Course credit exclusions: These are pairs of courses which may not both be taken for degree credit since their content overlaps significantly. If degree requirements specify that one of the pair is required to fulfill a program requirement, you may not enrol in the other - it can not be used to fulfill degree requirements. Course credit exclusions are listed in the course descriptions found online on the Courses Web site or in the Courses of Instruction section of the Undergraduate Calendar. Year-of-Study Equivalents A student’s progress towards a degree is measured in terms of credits passed rather than years of study completed. Where it is necessary or helpful to equate credits passed with years of study, the following table may be used:
*References to year 4 apply to students in Honours programs only. Education courses taken by students coregistered in the Faculty of Education are not included in an Academic Faculty’s (e.g. Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Glendon etc.) year-of-study equivalents. ![]() Enrolment and registration should not be confused. They are two separate actions which are defined as follows:
![]() Except for courses taken under the pass/fail option, courses in the undergraduate Faculties represented in this publication are graded according to the following scale. The grade point values are used to compute averages. For information regarding the pass/fail option regulations, refer to the grading information available in your Faculty’s section of the Undergraduate Calendar. Note: Only courses taken at York University are included in the grade point averages. The percentages indicated are not part of the official grading scheme and are meant only to be used as guidelines. The letter-grade system is the fundamental system of assessment of performance in undergraduate programs at York University.
Note: All of the above-noted grades are used to calculate averages and credits. Definitions of Grading Descriptions A+ Exceptional. Thorough knowledge of concepts and/or techniques and exceptional skill or great originality in the use of those concepts/techniques in satisfying the requirements of an assignment or course. A Excellent. Thorough knowledge of concepts and/or techniques together with a high degree of skill and/or some elements of originality in satisfying the requirements of an assignment or course. B+ Very Good. Thorough knowledge of concepts and/or techniques together with a fairly high degree of skill in the use of those concepts/techniques in satisfying the requirements of an assignment or course. B Good. Good level of knowledge of concepts and/or techniques together with considerable skill in using them to satisfy the requirements of an assignment or course. C+ Competent. Acceptable level of knowledge of concepts and/or techniques together with considerable skill in using them to satisfy the requirements of an assignment or course. C Fairly Competent. Acceptable level of knowledge of concepts and/or techniques together with some skill in using them to satisfy the requirements of an assignment or course. D+ Passing. Slightly better than minimal knowledge of required concepts and/or techniques together with some ability to use them in satisfying the requirements of an assignment or course. D Barely Passing. Minimum knowledge of concepts and/or techniques needed to satisfy the requirements of an assignment or course. E Marginally Failing. F Failing. Calculation of Averages Two types of averages are calculated and reported to students: sessional and cumulative. All averages calculated for purposes such as determining eligibility to proceed and graduate are credit-weighted. Sessional grade point average: This average reflects a student’s grades for a particular academic session (e.g. Fall/Winter 2009-2010 Session). Cumulative grade point average: This average reflects a student’s grades over the entire undergraduate career in a student’s particular degree program. Definitions of Pass and Fail Passed courses A passed course is one in which the student has achieved a grade of D or better. Failed courses There are two failing grades on the Undergraduate Grading Scheme: E (marginal failure) and F (failure). Grades Release Dates (Grade Reports and Transcripts) Grades submitted by an instructor are subject to review by the teaching unit in which the course is offered and by the Faculty Council or Faculty Committee on Academic Policy and Planning. Final course grades may be adjusted to conform to program or Faculty grades distribution profiles. Normally, grades appear on grade reports and transcripts as soon as they are submitted to the Registrar’s Office. ![]() Withdrawal from a Session You are considered officially withdrawn from the academic term or session and from the University after you drop your last course via the registration and enrolment system. Your official student record at the University is then annotated to indicate that you have formally discontinued your studies in a given program and academic term or session. Discontinuation of studies/non-attendance of courses does not constitute official withdrawal for purposes of regulations and fee adjustments. Ignorance of the regulations or proof of other activity does not constitute grounds for retroactive withdrawal. In the case of withdrawal, Student Financial Services will use the date of notification or the date you dropped your courses to compute the amount of fees owing or to be refunded. Re-admission After Withdrawal Normally, students who withdraw from a term or session and who wish to attend a subsequent session may request reactivation through the Registrar’s Office. Students who attend another institution without first obtaining a letter of permission, must reapply for admission and supply supporting documentation where necessary. Students who withdraw from their first session at York without having completed any courses, may request reactivation within one academic year. If longer, a student is required to reapply for admission. Tuition Refunds After Withdrawal Refunds for withdrawal will be based on the University Refund Table, which is available on the Current Students Web site (http://www.yorku.ca/yorkweb/currentstudents/moneymatters/). Note: Students may not withdraw from any course(s) in which a charge of academic dishonesty is being considered against them or in which they have been found guilty of academic dishonesty. Students who are found innocent of a charge of academic dishonesty may continue in the course and may request that someone other than the instructor grade their work. Alternatively students who are found innocent of a charge of academic dishonesty may withdraw from the course(s) in question without academic penalty by informing the Faculty Dean’s Office in writing. ![]() The University Registrar is empowered to deregister students who:
Students who are deregistered on these grounds will be deemed not to have registered in the academic session. No registration or academic activity records will be retained. Students will be refunded their academic fees in full less any indebtedness to the University. The University Registrar or other appropriate officer will inform the student, and appropriate academic and service areas. A student who enrols or registers for courses pending notification of academic standing at the end of the previous session or pending the result of a petition bearing on academic standing may have that enrolment subsequently cancelled or be subsequently deregistered if academic standing is such as to require withdrawal, debarment or suspension. ![]() For general purposes, a student is deemed by the University to be full-time if they take the equivalent of 18 credits or more in a given two-term session. For further information, contact Student Client Services. ![]() Access to student records is governed by York University's Policy on Access to Information and Protection of Privacy and complies with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The University shall collect and record personal information related to its students in accordance with the following guidelines. Access to Student Records Guidelines By applying for admission to York University and by enrolling in a program at the University, students consent to the collection of their personal information by York University for educational, administrative and statistical purposes. The information is needed to process their admission application and their enrolment and registration in academic programs; to record and track their academic progress; to provide the basis for awards and governmental funding and for related recordkeeping purposes. Students agree that all information and documentation submitted to the University in support of an application for admission, counselling and disability services, residence accommodation or financial award, or any petition or appeal, becomes the property of the University. York University may be required to disclose student information
An electronic record of students' achievements at the University is preserved permanently, but all other documentation contained in students' files may be destroyed in accordance with the University’s records retention policies. Access to Confidential Student Records and Disclosure of Information Public access It is the University’s policy to make the following information routinely available:
Except as specified above, other information contained in the record will be disclosed with the student's written consent. This restriction applies to requests from all third party inquirers including parents, spouses and credit bureaus. Students who are currently registered in a program/course at the University are entitled to submit a written request to the Registrar’s Office if they do not wish to allow release of their active registration status, their current field of study, information about any academic awards, honours or distinctions and if they have not successfully graduated. Student access Students have the right to inspect all documents contained in their own record, with the exception of evaluations and letters of reference supplied to the University with the understanding that they be kept confidential. Students have the right to request that erroneous information contained in their records be corrected and that recipients of any information found to be in error be advised of the correction. Students wishing to inspect their record must make an appointment with the Associate Registrar, Student Services. Upon written request to the Registrar's Office, students whose fee account shows no outstanding balance may request to have an official transcript of their record of studies at the University sent to a third party. Documents pertaining to a student's achievement at another institution, which may have been received by the University, will not be released or redirected. Employee access Employees of the University are permitted access to information contained in student records, if they need to know the information in order to perform their official duties. As a general rule, employees involved in some aspect of academic administration or student affairs are given access to a student’s record. The level and nature of access should be related to their particular administrative duties. Supervising managers and/or the University Registrar have the authority to withdraw access to student records from any employee. Third party/student organization access All third party organizations and student organizations are required to sign FIPPA-compliant confidentiality agreements with an authorized officer of the University before obtaining access to student records. Student information may only be used or disclosed in accordance with the provisions of the confidentiality agreements. All requests from student organizations must be approved by the Office of Student Community and Leadership Development within the Division of Students. Listings of members will be made available upon written request to the Office of Student Community and Leadership Development and must be accompanied by a signature of the authorized officer of that organization. All requests from other third party organizations must by approved by the Registrar’s Office. If someone other than the student wishes to pick up a document on behalf of a student (e.g. transcript, diploma etc.), the student must provide that person with a signed authorization. The third party must provide the signed authorization as well as photo identification. Legally mandated access Specified records or portions thereof may be provided to persons or agencies pursuant to a court order directing the University to release information to Statistics Canada or to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. Transcripts of Academic Record A student's signature, or Passport York login is required for the release of their own records. Transcripts issued directly to the student are stamped “Issued to Student”. York University is not responsible for transcripts lost or delayed in the mail. In accordance with University policy, transcripts and diplomas will not be released to students who have an outstanding account with the University. Change of Name Each student is required to provide, either on application for admission or in personal data required for registration, his/her full legal name. Any requests to change a name, by means of alteration or deletion, substitution or addition, must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation. Upon making application for graduation a student may be asked to provide proof of their name. Students may verify their official name on record online at the Current Students Web site (http://www.yorku.ca/yorkweb/cs.htm). Change of Address A student must maintain current and up-to-date permanent and mailing address information on the records of the University in order to receive pertinent mailings. Address changes are done online at the Current Students Web site (http://www.yorku.ca/yorkweb/cs.htm). Emergency Situations Requiring Student Access On occasion, a personal emergency may require students to be contacted quickly. In emergency situations involving the health and safety of an individual, or in compassionate situations, the University Registrar or designate may, if considered to be in the best interest of the student, authorize the release of personal information about the student. The University will then inform the student of the disclosure. Students are urged to provide those who may need to be reached in an emergency with an up-to-date copy of their class timetable, specifying days, times and locations. In addition, students are required to routinely update their next of kin and emergency contact information through the Web at the Current Students Web site (http://www.yorku.ca/yorkweb/cs.htm). Notification of Disclosure of Personal Information to Statistics Canada Statistics Canada is the national statistical agency. As such, Statistics Canada carries out hundreds of surveys each year on a wide range of matters, including education. It is essential to be able to follow students across time and institutions to understand, for example, the factors affecting enrolment demand at postsecondary institutions. The increased emphasis on accountability for public investment means that it is also important to understand “outcomes”. In order to carry out such studies, Statistics Canada asks all colleges and universities to provide data on students and graduates. Institutions collect and provide to Statistics Canada student identification information (student's name, student ID number, Social Insurance Number), student contact information (address and telephone number), student demographic characteristics, enrolment information, previous education and labour force activity. The Federal Statistics Act provides the legal authority for Statistics Canada to obtain access to personal information held by educational institutions. The information may be used only for statistical purposes, and the confidentiality provision of the Statistics Act prevents the information from being released in any way that would identify a student. Students who do not wish to have their information used are able to ask Statistics Canada to remove their identifying information from the national database. Further information on the use of this information can be obtained from the Statistics Canada Web site: http://www.statcan.ca/english/concepts/ESIS/ by writing to the Postsecondary Section, Centre for Education Statistics, 17th Floor, R.H. Coats Building, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6 or by calling 1-613-951-1666.