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2006-2007 Undergraduate Calendar
2006-2007 Undergraduate Calendar
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Degree Requirements

Degree requirements for the 2006-2007 academic year reflect the program requirements as they existed within the originating Faculty. Each program within the Faculty of Health adheres to specific degree requirements. To determine the requirements for your program refer to the detail below.

Health Studies

Bachelor of Health Studies with Honours, all majors

Originating Faculty: Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies

See Bachelor of Health Studies Degree (BHS).

Kinesiology and Health Sciences

Bachelor of Arts with Honours, majoring in Kinesiology and Health Science

Originating Faculty: Faculty of Arts

See Kinesiology and Health Science.

Bachelor of Science with Honours, majoring in Kinesiology and Health Science

Originating Faculty: Faculty of Science and Engineering

See Kinesiology and Health Science.


Bachelor of Science in Nursing, all streams

Originating Faculty: Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies

See Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (BScN).


Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts with Honours, majoring in Psychology

Originating Faculty: Faculty of Arts

See Psychology.

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts with Honours, majoring in Psychology

Originating Faculty: Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies

See Psychology.

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science with Honours, majoring in Psychology

Originating Faculty: Faculty of Science and Engineering

See Psychology.

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science with Honours, majoring in Psychology

Originating Faculty: Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies

See Psychology.


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last modified:
March 6, 2007

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