Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (BScN) - Atkinson
Effective Fall/Winter 2006-2007 this program is moving to the Faculty of Health. Continuing students or students admitted in 2006-2007 should follow the rules and regulations of the Faculty and year in which they were admitted. |
School of Nursing
Undergraduate Program Directors:
Eleanor Pask (Collabroative BScN program),
Irene Swinson (Post-RN BScN program)
Program Coordinators: Lesley Beagrie (2nd Degree Entry BScN program), Sue Coffey (BScN for Internationally Educated Nurses program)
The BScN (Honours) program focuses on the development of the theoretical, scientific and philosophical knowledge of human caring. The role of nurses, through caring relationships, in promoting and preserving health and healing is emphasized through both theory and self-reflective practice. Graduates will be prepared to practise collaboratively in a variety of settings to enhance individual, family, community and global health.
1. Collaborative BScN Program. This program is for students entering the nursing profession. In collaboration with Seneca and Georgian Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, the first two years of the integrated four-year curriculum are completed at one of the College partners and the last two years are completed at York. Applicants may obtain further information from the School of Nursing (York) 416-736-5271, or the Nursing Programs at Seneca College 416-491-5050 ext. 5013, Georgian College 705-728-1968 ext. 1448.
2. 2nd Entry BScN Program. This program is for students entering the nursing profession. Two options are available for completing the program. A three academic year advanced standing option is designed for students meeting admission prerequisites, who wish to study through the fall and winter terms. A two calendar year advanced standing option is a concentrated six semester program, requiring students to study fall, winter and summer terms over two years. Both options require full time study and admission through OUAC. Information can be obtained from the School of Nursing at 416-736-5271 or from the Office of Admissions at 416-736-5000.
3. Post-RN BScN Program. This program is for Registered Nurses in Ontario or Internationally Educated Nurses. Information about the BScN program may be obtained from the School of Nursing 416-736-5271 or from the Office of Admissions at 416-736-5000.
4. Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate. A Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate is also available for Registered Nurses holding a completed baccalaureate degree in nursing. This certificate may be taken on a full-time or part-time basis. Information can be obtained from the School of Nursing at 416-736-5271. Please see the Web site
Entry Procedures:
Collaborative BScN Entry Procedures
1. Submit application to Ontario University Admissions Centre (OUAC).
2. Submit your official transcripts to OUAC.
3. If required, submit your language proficiency test results to OUAC.
4. Visit for detailed information and admission requirements.
2nd Entry BScN Program Entry Procedures
1. Submit application to Ontario University Admissions Centre (OUAC).
2. Transfer credits will be reviewed by Office of Admissions, York University.
3. If necessary, applicants will be advised to complete prerequisite courses through a qualifying semester, offered at York. Conditional acceptance to the program prior to completion of prerequisites will be considered on an individual basis.
To be eligible for admission to either 2nd Entry BScN program options, applicants must have completed at least 60 credits at a recognized university prior to admission, with a cumulative grade point average of at least C+ (5.0) and a B (6.0) average in the last year or last 30 credits.
The 60 credits must include the following:
At least 18 credits general education - social sciences, humanities, natural science or equivalent
three credits in human anatomy and three credits in physiology OR six credits in human anatomy and physiology
three credits in statistics
six credits in psychology
three credits in philosophy
three credits in microbiology
nine credits at the 3000 level
Students who have a completed degree or who may have the required 60 credits but who may lack the specific credits required for admission, may be considered for a qualifying spring/summer semester offered prior to Year 1. In such circumstances, students may be offered conditional admission status. In keeping with the above admission requirements, a grade of B (6.0) would be required in these qualifying courses.
Post-RN BScN Program Entry Procedures
There are two entry points into the BScN Post-RN program.
I. Entry for applicants who hold a Certificate of Competence as a Registered Nurse from the College of Nurses of Ontario
Entry procedures include the following academic and professional criteria:
(a) Current Certificate of Competence as a Registered Nurse from the College of Nurses of Ontario.
(b) An overall grade point average of 3.0 (B) from a community college (or equivalent) program for graduation dates within 10 years of application, OR an overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) from a community college or hospital school of nursing (or equivalent) program for graduation dates longer than 10 years prior to application.
II. Entry for Internationally Educated Nurses
Entry procedures include the following academic and professional criteria:
(a) International education assessed by the College of Nurses as "diploma equivalent"
(b) Successful completion of the Qualifying Pre-Session including the following to be completed prior to the start of classes
(c) University 100 course
(d) YUELI language support
(e) three-credit university 3000-level course - Essentials of Professional Writing; three-credit university 3000-level course - Providing Culturally Competent Care; three-credit university 3000-level course - Pharmacotherapeutics. Minimum average of B required for all university-level courses.
For Post-RN applicants visit for detailed information and admission requirements.
School of Nursing: Policy on Involuntary Withdrawal
A student may be required to withdraw involuntarily from a course with a practicum component if:
1. The student fails to meet the requirements of the course with a practicum component, either through unsatisfactory attendance and/or participation in class or practicum settings, or through unprofessional behaviour in fulfilling course requirements; or
2. The student's performance is judged to disrupt the functioning of the practicum site and/or jeopardize the well-being of clients of the practicum site, and/or demonstrate failure to meet professional standards for practice currently mandated by the College of Nurses of Ontario.
Following a meeting with the student, the decision to require the student to withdraw will be taken by the director of the School of Nursing on the recommendation of the course director and/or practicum coordinator.
Students have access to the usual appeal procedures in such instances.
Program Requirements
Collaborative BScN Program Requirements
1. BScN: 120 credits including:
(a) 60 credits for successful completion of the first two years of the program at an approved collaborative program partner College of Applied Arts and Technology.
(b) Major Requirements:
51 credits including:
(i) AK/NURS 2300 3.00; AK/NURS 3040 3.00; AK/NURS 3050 3.00; AK/NURS 3300 3.00; AK/NURS 3400 3.00; AK/NURS 3410 3.00; AK/NURS 4100 3.00; AK/NURS 4110 12.00; AK/NURS 4120 6.00; AK/NURS 4130 6.00; and
(ii) six nursing credits at the 3000 level or higher.
(c) Elective Requirements:
Nine credits including:
(i) nine credits outside nursing at the 3000 level or higher.
2. Upper-Level Courses: The above courses must include 57 credits at the 3000 level, or above, with at least 30 at the 4000 level:
(i) 27 credits at the 3000 level (maximum), and
(ii) at least 30 credits at the 4000 level.
3. Residency Requirement: At least 30 credits not used toward another academic program are to be taken at York University. Half the major credits must be taken through Atkinson.
4. Graduation: Successful completion of program requirements with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.0 including a minimum grade of C (4.0) in all courses used in the major.
Practica: AK/NURS 4110 12.00, AK/NURS 4120 6.00 and AK/NURS 4130 6.00 have a practicum component which is graded as: "pass", "fail". The grade of "pass" must be achieved for the practicum component in order to receive a grade for the theoretical component of the course. If the grade for the practicum component is "fail" then the overall final course grade is "F".
2nd Degree Entry BScN Program Requirements
1. BScN: 150 credits including:
(a) 60 credits completed at a recognized university prior to admission
(b) Major Requirements:
90 credits including:
(i) AK/NURS 1900 6.00; AK/NURS 1950 3.00; AK/NURS 1960 3.00; AK/NURS 2900 6.00; AK/NURS 2930 3.00; AK/NURS 2950 3.00; AK/NURS 2960 3.00; AK/NURS 3300 3.00; AK/NURS 3400 3.00; AK/NURS 3410 3.00; AK/NURS 3900 6.00; AK/NURS 3910 6.00; AK/NURS 3950 3.00; AK/NURS 3960 3.00; AK/NURS 4000 3.00; AK/NURS 4100 3.00; AK/NURS 4120 6.00; AK/NURS 4900 12.00;
(ii) Required courses outside of nursing: SC/CHEM 1550 3.00 and SC/CHEM 2550 3.00;
(iii) six nursing elective credits at the 3000 level or higher.
2. Residency Requirement: At least 30 credits not used toward another academic program are to be taken at York University. Half the major credits must be taken through Atkinson.
3. Graduation: Successful completion of program requirements with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.0 including a minimum grade of C (4.0) in all courses used in the major.
Practica: Health and Healing courses AK/NURS 1900 6.00, AK/NURS 2900 6.00, AK/NURS 3900 6.00, AK/NURS 3910 6.00, AK/NURS 4120 6.00 and AK/NURS 4900 12.00 have a practicum component which is graded as: "pass", "fail". The grade of "pass" must be achieved for the practicum component in order to receive a grade for the theoretical component of the course. If the grade for the practicum component is `fail" then the overall final course grade is "F".
Post-RN BScN Program Requirements
1. Post-RN BScN: 120 credits including:
(a) 60 transfer credits for current Certificate of Competence as a Registered Nurse from the College of Nurses of Ontario.
(b) Major Requirements:
39 credits including:
(I) AK/NURS 2300 3.00; AK/NURS 2730 3.00; AK/NURS 3010 3.00; AK/NURS 3020 3.00 or AK/NURS 3730 3.00 (with permission); AK/NURS 3130 3.00; AK/NURS 3300 3.00; AK/NURS 3400 3.00; AK/NURS 3770 3.00 or AK/NURS 3720 3.00; AK/NURS 4100 3.00 or AK/NURS 4710 3.00 or AK/NURS 4750 3.00; AK/NURS 4120 6.00 and AK/NURS 4150 6.00.
(c) Elective Requirements:
21 credits including:
(i) six credits outside nursing at the 3000 level or higher,
(ii) six credits inside or outside nursing at the 3000 level or higher,
(iii) nine credits inside or outside nursing at the 4000 level.
2. Upper-Level Courses: The courses above must include 54 credits at the 3000 level or above with at least 24 at the 4000 level:
(i) 30 credits at the 3000 level (maximum), and
(ii) at least 24 credits at the 4000 level.
3. Residency Requirement: At least 30 credits not used toward another academic program are to be taken at York University. Half the major credits must be taken through Atkinson.
4. Graduation: Successful completion of program requirements with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.0 including a minimum grade of C (4.0) in all courses used in the major.
Practica: AK/NURS 4150 6.00, is graded as: "pass/fail". Successful completion of the practicum course, as indicated by achieving a "pass" grade is a requirement in the BScN program. AK/NURS 4120 6.00 has a practicum component which is graded as: "pass", "fail". The grade of "pass" must be achieved for the practicum component in order to receive a grade for the theoretical component of the course. If the grade for the practicum component is "fail" then the overall course grade is "F".
Post-RN BScN - IEN Program Requirements
1. Post-RN BScN: 120 credits including:
(a) 60 transfer credits for recognition of diploma equivalent education. Successful completion of the pre-qualifying session, prior to start of fall/winter session.
(b) Major Requirements:
45 credits including:
(i) AK/NURS 2300 3.00; AK/NURS 2730 3.00; AK/NURS 3010 3.00; AK/NURS 3020 3.00; AK/NURS 3130 3.00; AK/NURS 3300 3.00; AK/NURS 3400 3.00; AK/NURS 3770 3.00 or AK/NURS 3720 3.00; AK/NURS 4120 6.00; AK/NURS 4131 6.00; AK/NURS 4150 6.00; AK/NURS 4710 3.00.
(c) Electives: 15 credits including:
(i) nine credits at the 3000 level (transfer credit granted from nine credits at the university 3000 level from the Pre-qualifying session);
(ii) three credits inside/outside nursing at the 4000 level;
(iii) three credits outside nursing at the 3000 level.
2. Upper-Level Courses: The courses above must include 54 credits at the 3000 level or above with at least 24 at the 4000 level:
(i) 30 credits at the 3000 level (maximum), and
(ii) at least 24 credits at the 4000 level.
3. Residency Requirement: At least 30 credits not used toward another academic program are to be taken at York University. Half the major credits must be taken through Atkinson.
4. Graduation: Successful completion of program requirements with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.0 including a minimum grade of C (4.0) in all courses used in the major.
Practica: AK/NURS 4150 6.00, is graded as: "pass/fail". Successful completion of the practicum course, as indicated by achieving a "pass" grade is a requirement in the BScN program. AK/NURS 4120 6.00 and AK/NURS 4131 6.00 have practicum components which are graded as: "pass", "fail". The grade of "pass" must be achieved for the practicum component in order to receive a grade for the theoretical component of the course. If the grade for the practicum component is "fail" then the overall course grade is "F".