<Joseph E. Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies
Academic Standards
The following degree requirements apply to all students proceeding to a degree through Atkinson. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that courses are selected in accordance with current degree/certificate and program requirements.
The following regulations apply to students taking courses at Atkinson. Applicants seeking admission are referred to the Regulations Governing Admission to Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies, York University.
All students are required to:
(a) observe the regulations of Atkinson and the University. Changes become effective as announced.
(b) maintain a satisfactory standard of work. All term work must be submitted by the dates specified by the course director. Normally all term work must be submitted before the day of examination.
(c) have discharged all financial liability to the University prior to graduation.
2. Candidates admitted to an Atkinson degree program are required to:
(a) have been admitted to York University as degree students.
(b) satisfy all the corequisite(s) and prerequisite(s) for courses selected for enrolment.
(c) satisfy the program and degree requirements for one of the following degrees:
BAS (Honours)
BA (Honours)
BHRM (Honours)
BHS (Honours)
BSc (Honours)
BScN (Honours)
BSW (Honours)
3. Choice of major program. Students can obtain sample programs of study outlining the degree, certificate and program requirements from the Office of Student and Academic Services Web site: http://www.atkinson.yorku.ca/OSAS/.
4. Residency requirement. In order to be eligible to receive a degree from Atkinson, at least 30 credits not used toward another academic program are to be taken at York University. Major requirements: at least half (50 per cent) of each Atkinson major requirement must be taken at Atkinson. (Note: the major requirement will vary in accordance with the number of credits required by each program.)
5. Cross-listed courses. Some courses in Atkinson are cross-listed: that is, they are offered jointly by two or more academic units/Faculties.
(a) Cross-listed courses may not be double counted in order to fulfill degree requirements;
(b) Cross-listed courses may not be used to fulfill the degree requirement of courses required outside the major in the programs offering the cross-listing. For example, AK/SOSC 3370 6.00 may not count as a course outside the major for students majoring in women's studies, and AK/WMST 3370 6.00 may not count as a course outside the major for students majoring in social science. In the liberal studies program, cross-listed courses may not be used to exceed 24 credits from any one discipline.
(c) Cross-listed courses (offered jointly between Atkinson and another Faculty/Faculties) used in the major will count toward satisfying the in-Faculty requirement for Atkinson.
6. Students who do not wish to pursue a degree or certificate program may request admission to the University under one of the following non-degree categories:
(a) visiting students: university degree holders doing post-degree courses for their own interest or for professional upgrading;
(b) do not hold an undergraduate degree, but wish to enrol in York courses to fulfill the academic upgrading or professional development requirements of a professional designation
(c) students on a letter of permission from their home institution.
Visiting students admitted to Atkinson may:
(i) enrol in degree credit courses providing they meet the published corequisite(s) and prerequisite(s), or obtain permission of the Chair of the discipline concerned;
(ii) not register in a course equivalent to one already completed.
7. Audit a course. With the permission of a course director, an auditor attends classes and participates in a course in the same way as other students, but does not submit assignments or write tests or examinations. Further information about admissibility, application procedures, courses available, and fees may be obtained at Student Client Services, 416-736-5440.
8. Course conflict. Course conflicts occur when students enrol in more than one course on the same day and time in the same academic session. It is a student's responsibility to ensure that his/her schedule is conflict-free and to adjust course enrolments accordingly.
9. Second degrees
(a) A student holding a university undergraduate degree may apply for admission to studies leading to a second degree. Such students must be admissible to Atkinson. A minimum of 30 NEW credits must be completed for a second bachelor or Honours degree at York University including half the major from Atkinson. The general regulations on advanced standing would apply in all cases. The maximum number of new courses is also determined by the degree and program requirements of Atkinson.
(b) Atkinson graduates may request reclassification of their bachelor degree to Honours* (see the Academic Standing section).
* The residency requirement for Atkinson graduates proceeding to a first Honours degree in the same major must still be satisfied, including the residency requirement in the major.
10. Courses taken outside Atkinson
York University courses. Atkinson degree candidates may enrol in courses offered by other York University Faculties provided they meet the publicized corequisite(s) and/or prerequisite(s). Students are responsible for ensuring that these out-of-Faculty courses meet Atkinson degree and program requirements. Out-of-Faculty courses are credited at the level at which they are taken. Please refer to the Programs of Study section.
Courses at other accredited Universities. Atkinson students pursuing a degree or an Atkinson certificate may request a letter of permission to receive credit at York for courses taken at other accredited universities. Students not working toward a degree or an Atkinson certificate are not eligible for letters of permission.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that:
(i) courses completed on a letter of permission meet her/his program requirements;
(ii) she/he will fulfill residency and in-Faculty requirements for graduation or granting of the certificate;
(iii) she/he submit the letter of permission request with course descriptions to the appropriate departmental office and return the completed form and the application fee to Student Client Services;
(iv) a letter of permission is granted prior to enrolling courses at the other institution;
(v) if she/he does not register for the courses or does not complete the approved courses, the student must provide the Registrar's Office with documentation from the host institution declaring that the student did not register at that institution or withdrew from the courses without academic penalty;
(vi) arrangements are made for the host institution to forward an official transcript to the Registrar's Office as soon as final grades are available.
Note 1: Students who receive a letter of permission to take their last course(s) at another institution should not, normally, expect to graduate at the convocation directly following the session in which the letter of permission was issued.
Note 2: Some programs may have their own Faculty approved policies restricting letters of permission on the basis of accreditation or professional association requirements. Please review your school/department policy.
students must be enrolled in a degree or Atkinson certificate program;
including courses taken on a letter of permission, Atkinson students may enrol in a maximum of 15 credits in a summer session and 30 credits in a fall/winter session;
students must be in good academic standing in order to be approved for a letter of permission;
a letter of permission will not be granted to students who are on academic, program or debarment warning or academic probation. If a student receives an academic, program, debarment warning, or academic probation or is ineligible to proceed at the conclusion of the current session, the letter of permission will be rescinded;
in major courses in all Honours programs, and in the BAS and BHRM 90 credit degrees, credit is granted when an approved course is successfully completed with a minimum grade of C+ (65 per cent). For all other courses credit is granted when an approved course is successfully completed with a minimum grade of C (60 per cent). The Faculty is under no obligation to accept courses taken without its permission;
grades for courses taken at the host institution are not listed on York University transcripts and are not included in the calculation of the York grade point average.
Should a student leave York University to pursue study at another postsecondary institution without a letter of permission, upon return to York, a new application to York is required and all previous transfer credit will be reassessed.
11. Faculty transfers
Students who were last registered in an undergraduate degree program in another Faculty of York University, and who wish to transfer to Atkinson must submit a Faculty Transfer Request form to Student Client Services. Refer to the Academic Standing section for degree/program academic standing requirements.
12. Course load for Atkinson students
Fall/winter session:
Normally, a full time course load is 30 credits in fall/winter session.
Students may take up to and including a maximum of 36 credits without permission.
Students who wish to take more than 36 credits during the fall/winter session must submit a petition to the Atkinson Faculty Council Office.
Summer session:
Normally, a full time course load is 15 credits in the Summer session.
Students may take up to and including 18 credits without permission.
Students who wish to take more than 18 credits during the summer session must submit a petition to the Atkinson Faculty Council Office.
13. Examinations
Examinations are important parts of the educational process. They must be conducted under fair conditions which allow students to demonstrate what they have learned. Disruptions or attempts to obtain an unfair advantage are offences against academic process and carry severe penalties.
Language of Examinations: The language(s) of instruction is (are) normally the language(s) of examination (Senate Policy #018).
Identification: Students who are being tested or examined are required to present their sessional identification card or acceptable photo identification (Senate Policy #027).
Answer Booklets: Answer booklets are the property of the University. Examination booklets and other answer forms remain the property of the University. Students may not remove them from the test or examination room without permission; nor may they possess blank examination booklets (Senate Policy #009).
Final Examination Period: There is a final examination period at the end of each term. The dates and times of formally scheduled examinations are listed on the Current Students Web site (http://www.yorku.ca/yorkweb/cs.htm).
Religious Accommodation: Students who have examination conflicts due to religious observances can complete an Examination Accommodation Agreement to write an examination at another time. For further information, and to access the Agreement form, please visit the Registrar's Office site on examinations at: http://www.registrar.yorku.ca/services/ds_faq.htm.
14. Deferred standing and aegrotat standing
In some cases, students may be eligible for deferred standing or aegrotat standing on the grounds of illness, accident or family misfortune.
Deferred standing. Deferred standing (an extension) may be granted to undergraduate students who are unable to write their final examination at the scheduled time, or to submit their final assignment on the last day of classes. In order to apply for deferred standing, students must complete a Final Exam/Assignment Deferred Standing Agreement (DSA) form and reach an agreement directly with the course director for an alternative final examination date or for an extension to the deadline. The deadline for submitting a DSA is within seven calendar days of a missed examination and/or final assignment due date. A petition for deferred standing (available through the Atkinson Faculty Council Office) may be initiated if the course director indicates on a DSA form that he/she refuses to approve deferred standing or if the request is made after the deadline has passed.
Note 1: When students do not or cannot write a mid-term examination (not held during the formal examination period), alternative arrangements to write the mid-term examination should be made within the duration of the course by the course director and individual student, at the discretion of the course director. The DSA form does not apply.
Note 2: Students who have experienced a misfortune or who are too ill to attend an examination in an Atkinson course should not attempt to do so; they must pursue deferred standing.
Note 3: Atkinson students in York courses other than Atkinson courses must arrange deferred standing in accordance with the regulations and deadlines of the Faculty offering the course.
Note 4: Deferred examinations for AK/ADMS courses are held with the final examinations for the same courses if they are offered in the term immediately following. The School of Administrative Studies will advise students in writing of the date, time and location of the exam. Students are required to contact the school if notification is not received three weeks prior to the examination period.
Aegrotat standing. In cases where a student cannot be expected to complete the work for a course, aegrotat standing may be substituted for the grade on the transcript. Aegrotat standing is seldom granted and only in exceptional circumstances due to the nature and extent of the student's illness/injury and where deferred standing is inappropriate.
15. Grade reappraisal. Students may, with sufficient grounds, request that a final grade in a course be reappraised. Further information may be obtained from the school/department offering the course. Students who apply to have a grade reappraised should be aware of the following:
requests for reappraisals must be filed with the school/department offering the course within 21 calendar days of the release of the final grade in the course;
students may question the marking of specific pieces of work or the overall course grade. Normally, however, only tangible work may be reappraised. Tangible work may include written, graphic, digitized, modelled, video recording or audio recording formats, but not oral work;
an original grade may be raised, lowered or confirmed;
students wishing to request a reappraisal of a final grade should complete the appropriate form available from the school/department offering the course and return the completed form to the same office;
decisions of Atkinson's schools/department may be appealed to the Atkinson Faculty Council Office only on the grounds of procedural irregularity.