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Table of Contents
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental Studies
Faculty of Fine Arts
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies
Osgoode Hall Law School
Schulich School of Business
Courses of Instruction
Glendon College

Policy on Computing and Information Technology Facilities

In order to promote the ethical and responsible use of computing and other information technology facilities, general guidelines have been established for all students by the Senate Committee on Academic Computing in consultation with an administrative task force on computing at York. York's Budget and Policy Committee has also approved the principles and guidelines set out below.

1. York University's computing and information technology facilities are made available to students in support of their academic objectives and requirements; to faculty in support of their teaching, research and administrative activities; to staff in support of their assigned responsibilities; and to other authorized users. Such facilities may include computers and associated peripherals, the communication infrastructure and related equipment, facsimile machines, scanners, copiers, telephone, video and other multimedia devices and forms of software.

2. Computing and information technology facilities may be used only in a manner which does not contravene York University's relevant policies, codes, agreements, network protocols and provincial and federal laws.

3. Access to computing and information technology facilities is a privilege. Users who contravene the relevant policies and laws may be subject to immediate withdrawal of the privilege and/or disciplinary procedures. Illegal acts involving computing and information technology facilities may also be subject to criminal prosecution or other legal action.


Users shall

1. Be responsible for using these facilities in an effective, ethical and lawful manner.

2. Respect the rights and interests of others.

3. Respect the property of others, including intellectual property.

4. Respect the copyrights of the owners of all software and data they use.

5. Respect the licensing agreements entered into by the University.

6. Respect privacy and confidentiality.

7. Use only those facilities for which they have authorization, whether these facilities are at York University or at any other location.

8. Use facilities and services only for their intended purposes.

9. Take all reasonable steps to protect the integrity and security of the facilities including software and data.

10. Properly identify themselves in any electronic correspondence and provide valid, traceable identification if required by applications or servers within the University's facilities or in establishing connections with the facilities.

Users shall not

1. Access systems or data without authorization.

2. Alter systems, software and/or data without authorization.

3. Copy software and/or data without authorization.

4. Destroy or remove software and/or data without authorization.

5. Disclose data without authorization.

6. Interfere with the processing of a system, such as deliberately overextending the resources of a system.

7. Misrepresent themselves as another user.

8. Disclose confidential passwords, access codes, account numbers or other authorization assigned to them.

9. Change another person's password without authorization.

10. Use the University facilities and resources for unauthorized purposes, including unauthorized commercial purposes.

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