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Table of Contents
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental Studies
Faculty of Fine Arts
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies
Osgoode Hall Law School
Schulich School of Business
Courses of Instruction
Glendon College

Academic Services and Support

Academic Services

  • Bookstore (Keele Campus)
  • Computing and Network Services (CNS)
  • English Language Institute
  • Institute for Social Research (ISR)
  • Learning and Study Skills Programs
    • Centre for Academic Writing
    • Multimedia Language Centre
    • Learning Skills
  • Libraries

Student Services

  • Art Gallery of York University
  • Career Services
  • Clubs and Other Organizations
  • Cooperative Childcare Centre
  • Counselling and Development Centre (CDC)
    • Personal Counselling
    • Group Programs
    • Learning Skills
    • Learning Disabilities Program
    • Psychiatric Dis/Abilities Program
    • Community Mental Health Consultation and Outreach
  • Health Education and Promotion
  • Centre for Human Rights and Equity
    • Race and Ethnic Relations Centre
    • Sexual Harassment Education and Complaint Centre
  • Lost and Found
  • Mail Services
  • Ontario March of Dimes - York University Attendant Services
  • Office for Persons with Disabilities
  • Parking Services
  • Religious Activities
  • Department of Security Services-Security Control Centre (SCC)
  • Shopping Services
    • York Lanes Shopping Mall
    • Central Square Concourse Areas
  • Sport and Recreation
    • Interuniversity Sport
    • Recreation
    • Facilities
  • Student Affairs Office
  • Student Government
    • College Councils
    • York Federation of Students/Fédération des Étudiant(e)s de York (YFS/FÉY)
    • Other Student Governments
    • Student Representation on University Committees
  • Student Security Escort Service
  • Transportation
    • Glendon-Keele Shuttle Service
    • TTC
    • GO Transit
    • York Region - Vaughan Transit
    • Carpool
  • University Complaint Centre
  • VAN GO
  • Women's Centre
  • York International


  • Undergraduate College Residences
  • York Student Apartments
  • Beverage Services
  • Off-Campus Housing

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