2003-2004 |
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General Information Liaison Office The Liaison Office is the welcome centre of the campus, responsible for promoting Glendon, providing admissions information to potential students, organizing open house events etc. In addition, it publishes promotional materials, participates in career fairs, creates partnership programs with high schools, supports French language and other special events, and visits high schools and colleges across Canada and abroad.
Library The Leslie Frost Library's collection of approximately 200,000 monographs, 1,000 paper and 11,000 electronic journals and 20,000 government documents are available on open stacks. The language ratio is approximately 70 per cent English, 30 per cent French. Instruction is available on a variety of topics: general research methods, Internet searching, database searching. Students and faculty of Glendon have full privileges at all the York libraries, giving them access to Canada's third largest academic collection. Most material from the other York libraries can be sent to Frost on a day's notice. Bookstore The bookstore is located in Glendon Hall. All required and most recommended books for courses are stocked. All books are priced at the Canadian publisher's or distributor's recommended list price. Any book not in stock may be special ordered. The bookstore also carries stationery and a selection of other items. The Glendon Bookstore has access to the large stock of the Keele campus bookstore. Glendon Gallery The Glendon Gallery is a public art gallery located on the Glendon campus. The gallery presents a program of monthly exhibitions. Emphasis is placed on the educative function and contemporary art. Literature in French and English, as well as guided tours, lectures by artists, curators and art historians complement the exhibition program. Additional information is available in the gallery or by calling 416-487-6859. Theatre Glendon Theatre Glendon, in York Hall, is a fully equipped theatrical performance space with a professional technical director. It annually houses a full season of in-course and extracurricular student productions, and hosts visiting professional companies as well. The theatre is the second home of everyone enrolled in drama studies. Residence Glendon has two residences, Wood and Hilliard, which together house 401 students in comfortably furnished single, small single and double rooms. There is a large proportion of single rooms open to students in all years of study. Residence is guaranteed to first-year students who meet the application deadline. Applicants who apply early in the summer have a better choice of accommodation. Each residence is divided into houses of 30 to 40 students; some are designated to be exclusively for women, while others are coed. Please note that all members of the house share all facilities in a house, including its washroom(s). Residence rooms are carpeted and completely furnished with beds, desks, dressers, clothes cupboards, bookshelves, chairs, drapes and recycling baskets. Please note that linen is available upon special request. The rooms are designed to encourage personal additions such as posters, wall hangings, plants and the like. Due to a lack of storage space, however, all university furnishings must remain in the rooms. For the safety of all residents, microwave ovens, toasters, pets, waterbeds and air conditioners are among some of the items not permitted in residence rooms. The residences have kitchen facilities available for a limited number of senior students. Most residents eat in the Cafeteria or the Sports Bar at the Proctor Field House. Please see the Meal Plan section for details. Each residence house has a common room with cable television. Students also have access to vacuum cleaners, irons, video cassette recorders, pool and billiard equipment and a study room. A resident may have his or her own phone but must arrange installation and billing directly with York Telecom or Bell Canada. Card operated laundry facilities are located in the basement of each residence. Applications to residence are made through Glendon Student Affairs and Housing Services, 416-487-6844. In the residences themselves, a team of housing professionals endeavour to enrich the experience of residence life, including administrators, night porters, caretakers and dons who act as resource people while helping to foster a sense of community on each house. Residence students are at the heart of the academic, social, artistic and athletic life of the campus. Here, the opportunity for building lasting friendships and communicating with students from all over the world allows residents to practice both of Canada's official languages in a friendly environment. Suggestions and concerns are brought to the Residence Council which is composed of student representatives living in residence. Summer residence accommodation is also available for students and visitors. Glendon also offers limited accommodation for visiting parents and friends during the school year. Meal Plan All students living in residence are required to purchase a meal plan. This plan enables students to retain the responsibility for satisfying their own dietary needs within the range of available à la carte selections. The residence fee includes the cost of the meal plan. A debit card, the YorkCard, is issued to each resident student as per the meal plan and can be spent at any University-controlled food service outlet on food and non-alcoholic beverages. At Glendon, the outlets are the Cafeteria Glendon, L'Arcade, an on-campus variety store and the Sports Bar at the Proctor Field House. The card system allows for flexibility and choice, and it allows for students to spend as little or as much as they like at each meal. Suggestions and concerns are brought to the Food Services Committee which is composed of student representatives living in residence. It is unlikely that the amount of meal plan money included in the residence fee will purchase 100 per cent of the resident's food requirements for eight months unless he or she is a very light eater or plans to dine frequently off-campus. Thus, residents will generally need to supplement the meal plan with cash purchases. Residence Fees The residence fees for the 2003-2004 academic sessions are as follows:
Athletics The Glendon Athletic Club is situated in the Proctor Field House, located on the lower level of the campus. Facilities include international squash courts, a Spinning studio, a multi-purpose gymnasium, 24-yard indoor pool, an indoor golf driving range, a fitness room, and a weight room equipped with free weights, universal and top-of-the-line cardio equipment. In addition, a licensed sports bar provides a place to relax and refuel. Outdoors you will find a soccer pitch, tennis courts, baseball diamond and cricket pitch. Change areas and lockers are provided. Other services include orthotic therapy, physiotherapy and chiropractic care. Most of the facilities and programs are offered for a nominal charge. Special services and instructional programs such as Spinning classes, tennis and squash lessons, karate, hiphop, pilates, yoga and Latin Dancing, bear a cost. Glendon students are encouraged to play an active role in the York Student Intramural Recreation Council (SIRC), where policy and regulations govern inter-college athletics. For more information regarding The Glendon Athletic Club call 416-487-6717. Counselling and Career Centre The Counselling and Career Centre offers a wide variety of bilingual counselling and career services to Glendon students. To make an appointment you can either drop by the centre, located in E103 Glendon Hall, or phone 416-487-6709. Personal Counselling Students come to the Counselling and Career Centre with a diversity of problems and needs. Some common concerns experienced by students at university are: living away from home for the first time, work pressures, forming new relationships and confusion over goals and identity. At the Counselling and Career Centre you will find professionally trained counsellors who will listen to your concerns and help you sort things out. All matters discussed at the centre are strictly confidential. Career Counselling Career issues are a major concern for everyone. While some students have clear career goals, the majority are not yet sure which career path suits them. The centre offers individual and group career planning sessions to help you explore your interests, abilities and values. Interest tests are also available to assist you with your career planning. In addition there are career information days and employment fairs held during the year. Group Programs The Counselling and Career Centre offers workshops on many topics including: avoiding procrastination, stress management, communication skills, weight management, increasing self-confidence, relaxation training, career options, job search strategies, resume writing and interview preparation. In addition, there is a support group for students who have been out of school for a period of time. Learning Skills Students often lack a systematic approach to studying and therefore feel overwhelmed by their studies. Throughout the year, the Counselling and Career Centre offers workshops on study skills which include time management, note taking, reading a textbook and exam preparation strategies. You can also make an individual appointment with a counsellor to discuss any of your study problems. Learning Disabilities Program For students with learning disabilities, the Counselling and Career Centre provides a comprehensive support/instruction program which includes personal, career and learning skills counselling, peer tutoring and adaptive technology. The centre also arranges with faculty for special accommodations needed for course evaluations and examinations. Sexual Harassment Complaint Centre The Counselling and Career Centre acts as a liaison to the Sexual Harassment Education and Complaint Centre located on the Keele campus. Resource Centre There is an excellent resource library in the Counselling and Career Centre, where you are welcome to drop in and browse. It contains educational and occupational information, career planning reference guides, as well as self-help materials on personal issues, job search techniques, resume writing, job interview tips and study skills. In addition, you can access volunteer positions and job postings, an Internet employment site. Writing Workshop Academic writing is a challenging, complex task which can present numerous difficulties for students. The Writing Workshop provides services in French and English to help students improve their writing skills. It offers short, workshops covering the elements of essay writing: argumentation, organization and development, editing and revising. Students who desire help with their work in progress may book appointments for individual tutoring. For further information, please visit the Writing Workshop Web site located under Quicklinks on the MyGlendon site. Students With Disabilities The Counselling and Career Centre, 416-487-6709 acts as a liaison office for students with disabilities at Glendon, working in conjunction with the coordinator of the York Centre for Persons with Disabilities 416-736-5140. Most of the buildings and rooms at Glendon are accessible to disabled persons; however students wishing to study at the college or live in residence are encouraged to contact either of the offices mentioned, to discuss their own particular situation. Off-Campus Housing Glendon runs an off-campus housing service for students. Housing lists can be mailed to out-of-town students for a small fee. The lists are also available online at http://www.studentaffairs.yorku.ca/offcampushousing. During the school year, all listings received are posted on the notice boards. The telephone number for enquiries is 416-487-6844. International Students The Office of Student Affairs, 416-487-6844, in conjunction with York International 416-736-5177, acts as an information centre for international students at Glendon. International students with questions, comments or problems are encouraged to contact the Glendon office at any time. Senior international students are often available to help new students in their adjustment to life at Glendon. Inter-Campus Bus Service York University Parking and Transportation Services provide a complimentary intercampus shuttle service between the Glendon and Keele campuses. The shuttle offers four intercampus trips daily between 7:20am and 10:30pm on weekdays, with a reduced schedule on Fridays. The Glendon shuttle stop is located outside C-Wing York Hall, facing Hilliard Residence. The Keele shuttle stop is on the south side of the Student Centre. For further information, please call 416-736-2100, ext. 22541 or visit the Web site at: http://www.csbo.yorku.ca/parkingservices. Glendon Parking Students, faculty and staff parking vehicles on University property are required to register them with the Glendon Parking Office, abide by the Parking and Traffic Regulations and pay a parking fee. Application forms for parking space are available from the Parking Office, the Greenhouse, Glendon. The Parking Office is open during business hours Monday to Friday (416-487-6788). Glendon Security In an emergency, call ext. 33333 (or 416-736-5333) for police/fire/ambulance response. Emergency agencies request that 911 calls come directly from Security Services. This enables York Security to meet and escort emergency vehicles directly to the location of the emergency so that valuable time is not lost searching for a particular building or residence. For non-emergencies, or if you are not sure what to do about a particular crime, concern, or problem, call ext. 66808 (or 416-487-6808). Glendon Student Security and Escort Service Student security officers will meet you at parking lots, bus stops, buildings and residences, and escort you to your campus destination. The Student Security Escort Service operates seven days a week, all year round. Hours of operation are: September to April from 6pm to 2am and May to August from 8pm to 2am. Call the Student Security Office at ext. 66799 (or 416-487-6799) during hours of operation. Lost and Found Enquiries should be directed to the Glendon Security Office, the Greenhouse, call ext. 66808 (or 416-487-6808). The University regrets that it cannot be responsible for items of personal property left unattended on the grounds or within the buildings. You can find more information about the Department of Safety, Security and Parking Services at our Web site http://www.csbo.yorku.ca. Student Government The Glendon College Student Union is the social and political expression of students at Glendon. The union executive consists of a president, a vice-president and six directors (cultural affairs, bilingual affairs, academic affairs, clubs and services, communications, and external affairs) elected during the spring election along with six councillors. Fall elections are held to elect four more councillors, as well as part-time student representatives and first year student representatives. The Glendon Alumni Association also sends an elected representative. The two main purposes of the union are, first, to protect the interests of students in the academic and administrative affairs of the college and, second, to coordinate and promote student participation in cultural, intellectual and social activities such as dances, clubs, union meetings and colloquia. The three major events of the year are orientation week (at the beginning of September), the Snow Ball (early in December) and the winter carnival (first week of February). Please get in touch with us and participate in the union. Student solidarity. Our office is in 175 York Hall, opposite the Cafeteria, 416-487-6720. Faculty Council and Committees Faculty Council is the highest academic body governing Glendon and includes membership of students, staff and faculty. It meets regularly to deliberate on academic issues which concern the college. These may range from policies and planning for the future to academic standards and student petitions. Most of the committees of the council are composed of an equal number of faculty and students, including those which handle student petitions, the tenure and promotion of faculty, bilingualism and the screening of all curriculum proposals. Student representation on council comprises up to 15 per cent of the total membership. Elections for these positions are held in March of each year. Clubs and Organizations There is a wide variety of formal and informal groups on the campus, with interests ranging from poetry to politics. Students and members of the faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in existing activities, and to start new clubs to meet their interests. The Glendon College Students' Union (GCSU) will act as a centre of information and support. |
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