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The College System A distinguishing feature of York University is the college system that uniquely bridges the large multi-Faculty University to smaller units for a closer relationship between faculty members and students. York colleges are small interdisciplinary communities, with distinctive characters and mandates, that offer a welcoming, innovative and convivial environment supportive of students' successful adjustment to the university and the successful completion of their degree requirements. Each undergraduate student entering York University for the first time is placed in a college. The seven colleges serving students - Calumet, Founders, McLaughlin, Norman Bethune, Stong, Vanier and Winters - provide a wide range of academic and extracurricular activities to complement the instructional programs of the various Faculties and to enrich the experience of the York student. College facilities include common rooms, dining halls, coffee shops, study areas, computer rooms, seminar and small lecture rooms, in addition to recreational rooms. Colleges accommodate about 260 out-of- town students, about 10 per cent of the total college enrolment, in well- equipped residences adjacent to college buildings. For further information, please consult the Academic Services and Support section in this Calendar. The college is self-governed in its day-to-day activities by both faculty members and students. Each college is administered by a master, academic adviser and residence life coordinator, and by dons in the residence. Each college also has a College Council, elected by students, which plans and finances a full range of social, cultural and athletic programs. Advising, especially for first-year students in each college, is conducted by the academic adviser, and by specially trained upper-level students. Fellows, who are valued members of the college and York community offer college seminars in a wide variety of specializations and interests. Glendon College, which is a constituent Faculty, offers daytime bilingual (French and English) undergraduate programs on a separate campus. Please consult the Glendon section of this Calendar for further information. College Academic Programs The college academic programs involve cocurricular and extracurricular events and activities as well as foundations courses. The format and content of credit courses vary according to the Faculty that colleges are affiliated with. Participation in a college academic program provides an excellent way of becoming involved in the life of a college. The five Faculty of Arts colleges - Calumet, Founders, McLaughlin, Stong and Vanier - offer a wide range of courses through the Faculty of Arts foundations program. Foundations courses connect a college and its students with the divisions of Humanities and Social Science. These courses often reflect the special focus - known as the academic mandate - of each college, and stress critical skills development, introduction to interdisciplinary study and the particular expertise of faculty associated with the two divisions. Norman Bethune College offers Faculty of Arts foundations courses as well as a special series of first year courses (first year university seminar: FYUS) linked to the Faculties of Pure and Applied Science and Environmental Studies. Winters College academic offerings are linked to the Faculty of Fine Arts Cultural Studies Program. Calumet College Calumet College was founded in 1970, sixth of the seven undergraduate colleges. We were initially housed in the Steacie Library and later at Atkinson. Had there not been the first round of government cutbacks to higher education in the mid-70s, our college and residence buildings would likely have been much like those of Bethune and Stong. The unique character of Calumet College life and governance developed during the many years in Atkinson when Calumet served only commuter students. Master Eric Winter opened the college's first computer lab and introduced computer-related college courses. In 1991, through the leadership of Master Peggy Keall, Calumet College and Calumet Residence buildings were opened. Calumet is affiliated with the Faculty of Arts; we also house the "Business History and Ethics" course in the BBA program of the Schulich School of Business. As do all colleges, Calumet aims to provide services, facilities and opportunities for students in all aspects of university life: academic, social, cultural and recreational. All members of the Calumet community, students, Fellows, alumni, alumnae and administration are encouraged to participate. Behind all of Calumet's activities there is a fundamental point of view, a theme, which celebrates the individual. We cherish the differences among us; we seek to demonstrate the role of lively discussion and eventual consensus through mutual tolerance and understanding. Calumet College Council (CCC) and Calumet Residence Council (CRC) provide opportunities to get more involved in college life. CCC publishes the college paper, The Pipe, its name suggestive of its role in the flow of information; CRC organizes workshops, symposiums, seminar series, social events and recreational sports. Beyond the college compound are many campus-wide organizations that offer opportunities to pursue extracurricular interests. There are many student clubs linking students in an academic department or program, or to others from the same ethnic or religious background. Many students have positions as student senators, as elected representatives to the York Federation of Students, as members of various Student Centre committees, and in other University roles. We encourage students with all interests and origins to join Calumet. Our association with the Faculty of Arts is focused around our mandate or theme: Technology and the Arts. The college has a curriculum that emphasizes computer applications and the social impact of technology. We have ties with programs in Mass Communications, Urban Studies, Environmental Studies, Creative Writing, Entrepreneurial Initiatives and Small Business Administration. Students with particular interests or academic majors in the following areas are encouraged to join Calumet: computer science, economics, geography, communication studies, mathematics, urban studies, information technology and business and society. Calumet supports several microcomputer facilities. Bootstrap is a 24-hour drop-in computer lab housing Apple Macintosh computers and a course-support classroom with PCs. Associated with the Urban Studies and Mass Communications programs are two smaller labs with interactive media hardware using some of the latest advances in technology. Both the college and residence buildings are networked and connected to the fibre-optic backbone of the campus-wide computer facilities. Software support includes word processing, spreadsheets, e-mail, database management, desktop publishing, graphics and bulletin boards. Recreational activities of the college are extensive. Calumet teams play in a wide range of intramural sports: hockey, broomball, water polo, softball and soccer to name a few. In some sports there are men's and women's teams, while others are coed. Usually there are separate teams for highly competitive and for recreational athletes. All students with a desire to play are encouraged to participate. On The Edge is a student-owned pub and coffee shop located adjacent to the common room. It is a focal point for college members and assists in the provision of some of the college's social programming: dances, movie nights, darts and pool tournaments etc. In addition, the food is excellent, nutritious and often the lowest priced on campus. The Calumet Residence consists of 43 six-person coeducational suites. Suites normally have four single bedrooms and one double. Each suite also includes a lounge area, a kitchenette and two bathrooms. The suites are grouped into seven houses, each with a don: the entire residence is overseen by the residence life coordinator. Suite members are responsible for cleaning their own room; the cleaning of the common spaces, such as kitchens, lounges, entrances and stairwells, is shared by all suite members. Network drops in each room allow "res" students with their own computers to join the Calumet computer network and enjoy high quality access to e-mail, University library catalogues and the Internet. Throughout the year, students spend time organizing a variety of social activities including dances, pub nights, gala dinners, dart tournaments and other events. Much of the activity is formed around the interests of involved students. The student government, Calumet College Council (CCC), is entrusted with the monies collected from the student body and the disbursement of those funds on activities and services for the benefit of all students. Elections for positions on CCC occur in March, and shortly after that planning is initiated for the activities for the next school year. The student government holds regular open meetings (Calumet Open Forum, COF) at which all members of the community are welcome and encouraged to participate. Savitsa Sevigny, Master, e-mail: ssevigny@yorku.ca Master's Office: 235 Calumet College, 416-736-5098 Founders College Founders College was the first college established on the Keele campus and it is proud of the part that its Fellows and students have played in the development of York University. The theme of Founders College is "Self, Culture and Society", which reflects the special interests of the college in the disciplines of anthropology, French studies, Italian studies, history and psychology, as well as its strong commitment to internationalism and contemporary issues. Founders College supports and houses African Studies, East Asian Studies, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, South Asian Studies and International Development Studies. Founders has a special affiliation with the undergraduate program of the School of Women's Studies and provides extensive women's studies facilities. The college's academic offerings consist of a roster of first- and second-year "foundation" courses affiliated with the Divisions of Humanities and Social Science, mostly taught by Founders Fellows and associates. These courses relate to the academic themes of the college, and are designated to equip students with critical skills, as part of York's general education program. Fellows of the college are active in many ways, especially in fostering their academic interests in an interdisciplinary environment, mounting cocurricular events such as seminars and conferences, and participating in the strong advising program for student members of the college, under the direction of an academic adviser. A rich network of peer advising including student academic resource advisers, is operated by the academic adviser for the benefit of all Founders students. The Fellows of Founders are chiefly professors from a number of different departments who have come together to support the college's goals, but they also include administrators and external people such as journalists, writers and artists. Over 40 of the academic Fellows have their offices in the college, and are available for interaction with Founders students. The Fellows, with the students, are the lifeblood of the community. The following program-related groups are associated with the college: History Students Association, the African Students Association, the East Asian Studies Students Association at York, the Caribbean Students Association and the Anthropology Students Association. Founders College also houses the East Asian Studies Jerome Ch'en Reading Room, which has recently expanded to include a large collection of Chinese-language texts; the Nellie Langford Rowell Women's Studies Library (also recently enlarged, with a bigger focus on its international collection); the Development Studies Resource Centre; the Institute on Achievement and Motivation which guides and counsels students; the Elia Chair in Italo-Canadian Studies, and the Harriet Tubman Resource Centre on the African Diaspora. The college organizes and supports a variety of activities related to the arts, including art exhibitions in the Arthur Haberman Art Gallery. The gallery and the Reading and Listening Room are amongst the excellent array of academic and social facilities managed by the Founders College Student Council and available for commuter as well as residence students. The college also has an attractive new assembly hall; a small cinema, the Brian Cragg Cinema; a large junior common room; and a historic pub, the Cock and Bull, which provides excellent hot lunches and year-round barbecue as well as the recreational hub of the college. An annual festival of the art, Poiesis, involves students and Fellows in a competition including painting, sculpture, photography, poetry and music. Lectures and colloquia are regularly offered in a wide variety of academic and cultural areas associated with the college. Finally, Founders is home to Canada's most prestigious popular/academic feminist journal, Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme. The college is governed by the master, the academic adviser and the residence life coordinator, assisted by an office staff headed by the administrative assistant and by a variety of committees involving Fellows and students. A student council, Founders College Student Council (FCSC), administers an important budget derived from an annual operating grant, organizes a variety of programs and manages services and enterprises in the college, including an excellent gymnasium and sauna, a games room and the junior common room, in addition to the gallery and reading room. A four-story residence (without elevators) for 250 undergraduate students is composed of seven houses, each named for a painter of the Group of Seven. Five of these houses are coed. We try to maintain a fine balance between a lively environment and one conducive to serious study. The residence is governed by a residence life coordinator, dons and students forming a residence council. The college encourages in its students both active participation in college life, and academic excellence, through a system of honour awards, book prizes, a prestigious internship program that places 12 students with programs and units in the college, each supported by a University Service Bursary. Founders College tries to remain faithful to what is best in the collegial tradition - hard study, stimulating interaction between Fellows and students, and a lively community spirit. Margo Gewurtz, Master, e-mail: mgewurtz@yorku.ca Master's Office: 216 Founders College, 416-736-5148 McLaughlin College Founded in 1968, McLaughlin College was named in honour of the late Colonel R. S. McLaughlin, business pioneer and philanthropist. Public policy is the academic mandate of the college. The college is dedicated to fostering knowledge and critical attitudes about public policy. Special attention is given to inviting policy analyses and review aimed at improving our society - the local community, the province, Canada, and the global commons. A full range of cocurricular and extracurricular activities fills the college public policy program: panel discussions, lectures and noon-hour seminars on issues of the day. Public policy concerns that are either national or international in scope are included in the series of symposia. The college is part of the Faculty of Arts' foundations course program. The Divisions of Humanities and Social Science offer first- and second-year courses, which are affiliated with McLaughlin College. Most of the instructors who teach McLaughlin College foundations courses are Fellows of the college. The college also features an annual public policy address by a person of distinction in the field of public policy. Two-hour tutorials of not more than 25 students are an integral part of each foundations course. These courses cover a wide variety of public policy concerns and stress the learning of critical skills. Each year McLaughlin jointly plans and sponsors with Vanier College a conference entitled "Encounter Canada", on an important issue of the day. Other forums on matters important to student life - gender concerns, academic integrity, aboriginal issues - enhance the varied cocurricular program. We try to carry on the ideal of the college's first Master, George Tatham by providing an environment for the development of the all-round, "whole person". The college sponsors a University-wide poetry contest at our annual Burns Night, welcomes jazz sessions in the college pub and encourages students to become active in intramural and intercollegiate athletics. We also organize special art shows and cinema festivals in our combination gallery and screening room. Social and cultural activities include trips to special musical and theatre events in Toronto organized by the McLaughlin College Student Council. Its athletic program is oriented to winning the York Torch. Social activities include talent nights, special Halloween and Valentine's Day dances, Christmas and year-end dinner formals and regular Thursday dances. And an annual ski trip has been very successful. A well-equipped weight room, Dyna-Macs, is available to students on a membership basis. Locker rooms with showers are adjacent. Through our affiliation with the Faculty of Arts, student associations representing majors in health and society, law and society, labour studies, political science, public policy and administration, international relations and sociology are invited to make McLaughlin College their base of activities. These groups work with the master and with McLaughlin College Council to develop cocurricular programs for students majoring in those fields and for the wider community. McLaughlin College has a computer lab, which is located in Room 107 and a study hall located in Room 016 near the junior common room. The college provides offices for Fellows from a wide variety of York's divisions and departments. Fellows are available to students for advice about courses and careers. McLaughlin College serves both non-residential and residential students. McLaughlin's 13 storey Tatham Hall offers single and double-room accommodation in six houses for men and women. Each house has a common recreation room. The residence life coordinator and dons work closely with house presidents and an active residence council. A full calendar of residence events provides a rounded social and cultural life on campus. The master of McLaughlin, the academic adviser and their administrative staff have an open door policy. They warmly welcome students who drop by for information, advice or a social visit. David Shugarman, Master, e-mail: dshugar@yorku.ca Master's Office: 226 McLaughlin College, 416-736-5128 Norman Bethune College Norman Bethune College is named in honour of the famous Canadian physician and social activist who became a Chinese folk hero. Bethune College whose theme is "Science and Society", is affiliated with the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, the Faculty of Environmental Studies and the Science and Society Program within the Faculty of Arts. We welcome students from these disciplines as well as any York student who is interested in science and society, in our clubs and facilities, our intramural sports teams, our college council and our academic courses. On the social side, the college houses a number of student clubs, including the Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at York University (ACSSY), Astronomy Club at York University, Food for Thought, Kinesiology and Health Science Student Organization (KAHSSO), Taiwan Republic of China Students Association at York University (ROCSAY), Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), York University Anime and Manga Association (YAMA), York Atmospheric Science Club (YASC), York Chemical Society at York University (YCS), York Pre-Med Society (YPMS), York Role Playing Guild (YRPG), and York University Outing Club (YUOC). The Bethune Athletic Council enters teams in both competitive and recreational sports for the York Torch award. Bethune's College Council is a communal blend of elected and appointed students and representatives from the college's alumni, Fellows and the Master's Office. This council receives a portion of your student activity fees and uses it to fund social events, the college newspaper - The Lexicon, concerts, orientation events, a computer lab, a piano room, a weight-training room and a variety of worthwhile campus activities. We welcome and encourage student participation. Bethune College also provides friendly and accessible student academic support and cocurricular opportunities - e.g. programs that can help you identify potential careers and professional paths. We host a comprehensive academic orientation for new students as well as a series of one-day summer orientations. All Bethune students are served by the Student Ombuds Service (SOS), a walk-in office and resource centre, staffed by knowledgeable upper-year students who can assist you in all manner of academic and personal issues. The Bethune Writing Centre provides one-on-one tutorial support, by appointment, to help you develop university-level critical writing skills. The Bethune Computer Lab is staffed by helpful monitors who can provide assistance on how to use e-mail and the Internet. Bethune College's Fellows (faculty, staff and community members) are a diverse group who provide a wide range of skills and interests, knowledge and wisdom. Bethune College offers academic (for credit) elective courses, including First Year University Seminars in Science, an upper-year science writing course. In the Arts foundations program, Bethune offers first-year courses, including a course in Science and the Humanities. In addition to courses, Bethune offers a rich mix of seminars, speakers, discussion groups and special programs of interest to students and faculty alike. Our residence has a mix of single rooms, double rooms and apartment- style suites. Save for one female-only floor all floors are coed. An in-house cafeteria offers a full menu of healthy and varied fare. Paul Delaney, Master, e-mail: pdelaney@yorku.ca Master's Office: 205 Norman Bethune College, 416-736-5164, bethune@yorku.ca Stong College Stong College, established in 1969 as York's fifth residential-academic sub-community, is named for the Stong family, pioneers who came to this area from Pennsylvania in 1800 and farmed the lands upon which York University is built. Stong takes pride in its roots in a pioneer heritage, which finds its modern counterpart in the immigrants of today. Four major themes characterize Stong College, although, like all of the other colleges of York University, we welcome diversity of thought, experience and academic specialization. The first theme includes English language and literature, both past and present, and critical thinking and writing, all of which are seen to be related under the general heading of the arts of discourse. The second principal interest of the college is in other languages, literatures and cultures. The scholarly pursuit of these subjects has given our college a multicultural flavour. Our pride in the rich multiculturalism of Stong College, York University, Metropolitan Toronto and Canada goes well with a third major theme of the college: our strong social commitment. Through programs with a neighbouring school and other projects, we are pleased to acknowledge our inseparable relationship with the society around us and our debt to it. Finally, Stong College has shown a marked interest in physical education and sport. The college houses three of the School of Kinesiology and Health Science's specialized certificate programs: Coaching, Sport Administration and Athletic Therapy. Moreover, our students have participated enthusiastically and successfully in Recreation York's inter-college sports programs. As a college concerned and involved in all aspects of student life, Stong has a wide variety of facilities and programs that reflect the diversity of life at Stong. The Samuel J. Zacks Art Gallery, whose mandate is to feature student art, has a number of showings throughout the year that also feature the work of traditional and native, international and professional artists. The student newspaper, The Flying Walrus, and The Orange Snail pub and coffee shop, provide many opportunities for discussion, debate and celebration of life at Stong and York. Stong has a rich tradition of supporting the financial needs of its students through a wide and varied bursary and scholarship program. Funded in large part by an active and involved alumni, these awards reflect the caring side of our college and provide evidence that our students' commitment and involvement with Stong continues beyond graduation. Other important student resources include a darkroom, a music room, the Allen C. Koretsky Computer Lab and the Academic Resource Centre, which not only serves as a centre for our peer advising program, but also as a nerve centre for student support resources on campus. Furthermore, the academic adviser, the residence life coordinator, the staff of the Master's Office and a long list of Fellows from a variety of disciplines are available and enthusiastic resource people intent on helping you gain the most from your university career. Stong College is a happy and vibrant college that values and honours diversity, academic endeavours and achievement. We encourage initiative and provide numerous opportunities for fulfillment and invite you to embrace the Stong "way" through a lifestyle of active participation in the rich mosaic of cultural, social and athletic life here in Stong. Eric Willis, Master, e-mail: ewillis@yorku.ca Master's Office: 315 Stong College, 416-736-5132 Web site: http://www.yorku.ca/stong Vanier College Vanier College is proudly named after Governor General Georges Vanier, one of the most distinguished and socially conscientious Canadians of the 20th century. The college is comprised of residents, Fellows, and students who have chosen to participate in the academic and social life of Vanier. Vanier is affiliated with the Division of Humanities (whose administrative offices are housed in the college), the Faculty of Education, and the departments of Philosophy, Psychology, Creative Writing, Classical Studies and Religious Studies. The Centre for Jewish Studies is also located in the college. The Fellows of Vanier College are a highly varied group, encompassing many academic disciplines and programs, as well as the wider community. The list of Fellows includes those in the humanities and social sciences, scientists, distinguished researchers, award winning teachers, administrators, social activists, artists, and writers - individuals who have agreed to share their knowledge and skills with the Vanier academic community. Vanier provides opportunities for many different kinds of interactions. There are lecture series linked to Vanier courses. Vanier College Productions sponsors a full year of musical, dramatic and often original productions. Vanier and McLaughlin present "Encounter Canada," a yearly symposium on current Canadian moral and ethical issues. With the Creative Writing Program, Vanier offers an annual "Creative Writing" series, providing opportunities for students to meet and hear contemporary Canadian writers, or perform their own prose or poetry. The master, academic adviser, staff and the Fellows of the college are readily available to all Vanier students. Faculty from Humanities, Classical Studies, Religious Studies, Creative Writing, Psychology, Education and Philosophy have their offices in the college. Student clubs in these areas have meeting rooms in Vanier. The students elected to Vanier College Council are also at the core of college activities. These activities range from organizing formal dances to assisting with activities of other student organizations in the college. Vanier provides space for student clubs, a computer room available for students, the Vanier Theatre and the Rosner-Siegel Library. The junior common room serves as a study area. Vanier's pub is called the Open End. The college is proud of the voluntary participation of Vanier Fellows, students, and staff in its varied events and projects. Most of all, the college thrives on the variety and the diversity of its people, who provide crucial links to one another, and to the wider academic community in which we live. The college sponsors two principle publications: Existere, the college's literary journal, and The Vandoo, Vanier's student paper. Carole H. Carpenter, Master, e-mail: carolec@yorku.ca Master's Office: 254 Vanier College, 416-736-5192, e-mail: vanier@yorku.ca Winters College Sharing a common academic goal with the Faculty of Fine Arts, Winters College provides a congenial and inspiring home base for students from all faculties interested in having arts, culture and creativity as part of their daily campus life. Founded in 1967, Winters College is named in honour of York University's first Chair of the Board of Governors, the late Robert Winters. Winters College has merged its academic offerings with the Fine Arts Cultural Studies Program. In doing so, we are able to offer a wider variety of courses dealing with all the fine arts and combinations of them. As well, this program includes cultures from around the world, theoretical methods for analyzing the fine arts and courses in interactive media, taking us into the electronic future. Winters College augments its academic offerings by hosting lectures and readings, concerts and performances, exhibitions and conferences. The college supports students by hosting trips to plays, ballets and operas off campus. Social life and activities are not ignored, many of these originating with the Winters College Council or one of the student groups housed in Winters. Everyone is encouraged to participate in intramural sports with the other York colleges, and recreational athletics, and any other activity that might interest you, within the University, or originating within the college. Winters College seeks to serve commuter and residence students, providing activities, study space and a home away from home. The college council is composed of elected students from all academic disciplines. The residence, as well as the college, is made up of students from all Faculties to ensure the balance and variety necessary to foster interaction between disciplines. Winters College students have access to our own computer centre, art gallery and music practice rooms. The junior common room has recently been transformed into a performance space featuring a large screen, video projector, portable stage, sound equipment and piano. Of special interest in the college, both in the courtyards and indoors, are the many paintings, murals and sculptures, primarily the works of student artists. At the heart of the college is the venerable and cozy Absinthe Pub for food and more relaxing times. Opposite the imposing Winters Dining Hall is the Complex One servery featuring freshly cooked meals, and located on the second floor is York's kosher restaurant, Joe Schmo's. Gottfried Paasche, Master, e-mail: gpaasche@yorku.ca Master's Office: 266 Winters College, 416-736-5142 |
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