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Social Science

Social science is offered by the Faculties of Glendon and Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.

Glendon College

Location/Bureau : 162 York Hall, Tel.: 416-487-6732, Fax: 416-487-6851, E-mail:

Chair/Directeur :

M. Barutciski
Professors Emeriti/Professeurs émérites : A. Baudot, B.N. Olshen, A. Sangster (Natural Science)
Associate Professors/Professeurs agrégés : J. Martel, B.B. Price
Associate Professor Emeriti/Professeurs agrégés émérites : A.D.J. Hopkins, D. Schiff (Natural Science)
Assistant Professor/Professeur adjoint : R. Guiasu

Note: Courses whose numbers have 1 or 2 as the first digit are open to first-year students.

N.B. : Les cours dont le numéro commence par le chiffre 1 ou 2 sont ouverts aux étudiants de première année.

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies

Locations: Department of Equity Studies (DES), 302 Atkinson Building, Tel.: 416-736-5235, Fax: 416-650-3876, E-mail:
Department of Social Science (DSS), S748 Ross Building, Tel.: 416-736-5054
Web Site:
Chair: R. Wellen
Undergraduate Program Director: L. Lyons
Coordinator: M. Jacobs
Affiliated Faculty: DES: B. Cameron, C. Colaguori, M. Goodman, M. Jacobs, J. Laxer
DSS: B. Beardwood, J. Gonda, C. Lipsig-Mumme, W. Swanson, E. Winslow, B. Lowinsky

The Social Science degree program is offered jointly by the Department of Equity Studies and the Department of Social Science, providing students with a broad range of interdisciplinary social science courses. The Honours degree program is structured in five streams designated as (1) Social Theory, (2) Economy and Society, (3) Equity and Social Policy, (4) Equity and Culture and (5) Health, Work, and Society: Canadian and Global Perspectives. Students can complete a 120 credit Honours BA degree, or a 90-credit BA degree without the stream option, or arrange for an Honours Double Major or Honours Major/Minor option.

Social science students will study the interpenetration of culture, politics and the economy in Canadian and global contexts. They will examine current public debates about social justice issues through intensive exposure to contemporary struggles over economic and social class disparities, work and health in local and global environments, race, racism, and anti-racism, gender and sexuality, education, and the relation of community, regional, national, and global development.

The degree will assist students to enter into careers such as social policy analyst, researcher, and community program coordinator and/or provide the foundation for future graduate study in interdisciplinary programs such as Social and Political Thought and disciplinary programs as well for students who have the relevant second major.