Human Rights and Equity Studies Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies
Students in human rights and equity studies explore the ethical principles of human rights as well as the roots and impact of human rights violations and efforts at redress. Problems of physical, social and economic security, cultural autonomy, and political rights and freedom of expression are examined. Graduates prepare for careers in education, social services, workers' and children's rights, human resources, international human rights and government relations. Students can pursue a BA, Specialized Honours BA, Honours BA, Honours Double Major BA, Honours Major/Minor BA or an Honours Minor BA. Students wishing to pursue graduate study can combine human rights and equity studies with a second major in a discipline. Students seeking the BA take a major of 36 credits including AP/HREQ 2010 6.00 Introduction to Human Rights and Equity Studies; AP/HREQ 3010 6.00/AP/POLS 3255 6.00/AP/SOCI 3010 6.00 Human Rights and the Global Economy; AP/GL/POLS/PPAS 3136 3.00, Public Law II: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Limits of Public Administration; six credits in research methods; nine credits from a list of specialized courses dealing with human rights and equity issues; and six credits from an extended program list. Honours BA students take an additional six credits beyond the 36 required for the BA; Specialized Honours students take a total of 60 credits.