Geography Geography is offered by the Faculties of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies and Science and Engineering.
Geography is a unique discipline in that it rests on all the three pillars of intellectual life: physical sciences, social sciences and humanities. Consequently it offers students opportunities to understand and explore different dimensions of the world in which we live and offers a synthetic approach to understanding landscapes, people, places and environments. Geography asks questions about how environmental, social, political and cultural processes shape how the world functions (and often fails to function!). In particular, geography is concerned with the spatial variations of human and physical phenomena, the processes that produce these variations and the interrelationships between people and their environments. Our courses are divided into seven themes, each of which include regional and systematic courses:
Students are exposed to the breadth of geography in the Years 1 and 2 and encouraged to specialize in one or more of these themes in Years 3 and 4. For specific Honours BA and BA program requirements please consult the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Programs of Study section. For specific Honours BSc and BSc program requirements please consult the Faculty of Science and Engineering Programs of Study section. The department also offers a Specialized Honours BA in geography and urban studies. For details, please consult the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Programs of Study section. Courses in Geography Prerequisites: the specific course prerequisites listed for geography courses in this Undergraduate Calendar are intended to ensure that students do not unwittingly enrol in courses for which they have inadequate preparation. In some cases, students lacking the stated course prerequisite(s) may be permitted to enrol in the course by written permission of the course director. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies
Faculty of Science and Engineering