Petitions for Exemptions from Regulations Academic regulations allow you to develop your interests and talents to the fullest in ways consistent with the philosophy and standards of the Faculty. In establishing academic regulations, the Faculty also recognizes that instances will arise where it makes sense, in the context of a student’s academic career, to waive regulations which would otherwise apply. Petitions Committee The Petitions Committee considers requests for exceptions to all Faculty regulations, including petitions to continue studies without interruption from students who have been required to withdraw or debarred. The guidelines for consideration of petitions/appeals by Faculty committees are located at Right to Petition Students in the Faculty of Health have the right to petition for special consideration. A petition is a request for the waiver of a regulation: it cannot be used to create legislation (e.g. a degree program) that does not exist. Normally, petitions will not be considered by the Petitions Committee more than one year beyond the date of the release of grades for the session to which the petition relates. Petitions Procedures Petitions are held in the strictest confidence and are presented anonymously to the committee. The committee considers the petition itself, any supporting documentation from professors or medical practitioners and other relevant information contained in the student’s record. Students may not appear in person. Initiating a Petition To initiate a petition, you must obtain a petition package from Student Client Services at Petitions must be mailed or hand delivered to: Faculty of Health Petitions Committee The drop box is located in the front lobby and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. More information on petitioning is available from Student Client Services, or the Faculty of Health Office of Student and Academic Services, Ground Floor, Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies Building. You may also visit the Current Students Web site.