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Entrance Awards

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York University Entrance Scholarships

Donor: York University

a) York University offers President's Scholarships to those secondary school applicants entering a first-year daytime undergraduate program with the highest entrance averages. These awards are renewable for up to four years of undergraduate study, provided the student maintains the required academic standing. The required academic standing for renewability is a grade point average of 7.8 in all Faculties. Scholarships are renewed based on the sessional grade point average and once lost cannot be regained.

b) The York University Renewable Entrance Scholarships are awarded to secondary school applicants entering a first-year undergraduate program who complete the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and six Grade 12 U or M courses (or its equivalent), including Grade 12 U English and all Faculty-specific prerequisites, with high academic standing. To renew the scholarship, students must have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 8.0 in a minimum of 24 credits in the previous fall/winter and summer sessions.

c) York University offers Faculty of Fine Arts Talent Awards to applicants entering a first-year daytime undergraduate program in the Faculty of Fine Arts who demonstrate exceptional talent in their chosen field of study.

d) Science and Engineering Scholarships are offered to outstanding students entering the first-year of study in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

e) Provost's Awards are offered to community college applicants who present high academic standing.

f) Glendon offers five Quebec Entrance Scholarships to applicants who have completed two years of CEGEP, have graduated with a diploma, have high academic standing and are entering a second-year program of study at Glendon.