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Scholarships, Awards, Prizes and Medals for Continuing Students

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AGYU Writing Award for Art Criticism

Donor: Art Gallery of York University

The Art Gallery of York University is a university-affiliated non-profit public art gallery. The Art Gallery of York University provides exhibitions, programs and related activities focusing on contemporary art to enrich the cultural and intellectual environment of York University and the surrounding regions. In order to promote the development of critical writing on the visual arts, the AGYU awards two prizes yearly. We seek submissions from students in all York Faculties in order to encourage interdisciplinary exchange and to foster new viewpoints on culture through looking at contemporary art.

AOLS Geomatics Engineering Scholarship

Donor: Association of Ontario Land Surveyors

Four scholarships of $500 each will be awarded to geomatics engineering students who have successfully completed 66 credits, and who have achieved the best grade point average based on all first and second year courses of the engineering program. Courses not taken or not completed will receive zero in the calculation of the weighted average. All courses will be equally weighted with the exception of the following geomatics engineering related courses which carry double weight: ENG 1000 6.00 (Engineering Design I); EATS 1010 3.00 (The Dynamic Earth and Space Geodesy); ENG 2000 6.00 (Engineering Design II); ENG 2110 2.00 (Geomatics and Space Engineering); ENG 2120 4.00 (Fundamentals of Surveying); ENG 2130 3.00 (Field Surveys); and EATS 2030 3.00 (Geophysics and Space Science).

Atkinson Major Scholarships

A scholarship is given to students in each major program provided 48 Atkinson credits have been completed including at least 18 credits in the major program, a standing of at least B+ in courses in the major program has been maintained, students are either currently enrolled or have completed a course in the summer session of the award year (e.g. for awards made in October 2007, a student must have completed a course during the Summer 2007 Session or be enrolled in the Fall/Winter 2007-2008 Session). No application is required.

Matthew Ahern Memorial Prize

The Matthew Ahern Memorial Prize has been established to honour Dr. Ahern, who served as both Chair of English and Associate Dean of Atkinson. He was a devoted and versatile teacher at Atkinson for over 25 years, with areas of expertise extending from Renaissance Drama to 19th-century and Modern American Literature. Each year a prize in his name will be awarded to the student with the highest level of academic achievement in one of the following courses, formerly taught by Prof. Ahern: AK/EN 3340 6.00 Shakespeare and his Contemporaries; AK/EN 3625 6.00 Poetry and Prose of the Romantic Period; AK/EN 3830 6.00 Drama to mid-20th Century: Dramas of Artistic and Political Rebellion; AK/EN 3857 6.00 American Literature to mid-20th Century; AK/EN 3672 American Literature of the 19th Century; AK/EN 4330 6.00 Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama; AK/EN 4600 6.00 Advanced Readings in Romanticism. It is awarded for courses completed in the previous fall/winter and summer session. The School of Arts and Letters will make recommendations to the Awards, Scholarships, and Nominating Committee.

Ahrens Scholarship

Donor: Prof. Wolf Ahrens

The Ahrens Scholarship is available to a student preferably majoring in German or German studies with at least a 7.0 (B+) grade point average who has elected to travel to Germany/Austria under the year-abroad program. In the event that, in any given year, there is no student who fulfills the above criteria, the scholarship will be awarded to a student majoring in German or German studies in the second or higher year who has attained at least a grade point average of 7.0 (B+).

Alumni Silver Jubilee Scholarship

Donor: York University Alumni Association

The Alumni Silver Jubilee Scholarship was created in 1985 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of academic excellence and student/alumni leadership at York University. The value of the scholarship will be granted as a tuition credit to a student enrolled in an undergraduate program who has completed a minimum of 60 credits (or equivalent) at York. This award will be presented annually to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence. Of equal importance will be consideration of accomplishment in one or more of the following: York University (or other) community leadership, participation in extracurricular student life, significant contribution to the University, volunteer service, achievements in athletics or the arts and other significant endeavours. Application forms are available from the Scholarships and Bursaries unit of Student Financial Services after classes begin in September.

Tom Arnold Scholarship in Parking Advancement at York University

Donor: Canadian Parking Association

The Tom Arnold Scholarship in Parking Industry Advancement at York University will be awarded to a York undergraduate or graduate student, based on academic achievements (minimum cumulative grade point average of 7.5 for undergraduate York courses, or minimum of A for graduate York courses) and demonstrated volunteer/community service. Area of study is not restricted, however preference will be given to students who are studying in a transportation or parking-related field. Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario, and demonstrate financial need. The recipient will be asked to write an article for the Canadian Parking Association's magazine, The Parker, describing the impact that his or her studies may have on the Canadian parking industry.

Joyce Aspinall Book Prize

Donor: Chemistry Department

The Joyce Aspinall Book Prize recognizes the outstanding contributions of Dr. Joyce Aspinall to the teaching of chemistry at the first-year level. This award will be presented annually to the student who achieves the highest academic distinction in SC/CHEM 1010 6.00 during the academic year and will take the form of a gift certificate for the York University Bookstore.

Association of Graduate Students Biological Science (AGSBS) Award

Donor: Association of Graduate Students Biological Science

An annual prize will be awarded to a fourth-year student enrolled in the Honours program in Biology at York who intends to continue graduate studies in biology or a related discipline. The selection will be based on the scientific merit of the best written thesis submitted as part of the degree requirement in the fourth year.

Atkinson Students' Association Award

Donor: Atkinson College Students' Association

The Atkinson Students' Association has provided five scholarships to be awarded to five students chosen for their academic excellence. Students must have completed at least 48 Atkinson credits with an overall average of at least 7.0 (B+). Recipients of another scholarship in the same award year will not be eligible for this award. No more than two of the scholarships may be awarded in any one discipline.

The June Awrey Memorial Nursing Award

The June Awrey Memorial Nursing Award will be given to two students in the two streams of the BScN degree: one in the post-RN BScN stream and one in the third or fourth year of the collaborative BScN stream. Students must have an overall average of 7.0 (B+) or better. Preference will be given to students who have returned to school to pursue the BScN degree after having had their education interrupted. Applicants will be required to submit a one-page letter that describes their reasons for undertaking the BScN degree. Applicants will be required to demonstrate financial need on a bursary application form.

Christopher Beattie Essay Prize

To be awarded annually, derived from the interest earned on capital contributed to the Christopher Beattie Memorial Fund, administered by York University. In memory of Christopher Beattie, former department chair, devoted teacher, a promising and productive scholar who died July 11, 1977, at the age of 36. Open to Atkinson students, registered in a sociology course at the 3000 or 4000 level, for the best essay in sociology. Eligible essays may have been written for current sessional courses or may be specially prepared for the competition. Themes, perspectives and methodologies of a wide variety are acceptable. In some years two winners may be selected and in other years no award may be made, depending on the quality of submissions. Excellence and originality are the chief criteria.

Benarroch-Hazan Essay Prize in Sephardic Studies

Donor: Friends of Georges Benarroch and Debra Waknin

This award is given annually for an outstanding essay(s) on a Sephardic topic written in any course.

The Avie Bennett Prize in Canadian Literature

Donor: Avie Bennett

A prize of approximately $450 will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student studying in the Department of English in the Faculty of Arts, who has written the best essay in Canadian Literature. The recipient will also receive a set of the New Canadian Library at the annual Department of English awards reception in the fall.

Allen S. Berg Awards of Excellence

Donor: Allen S. Berg

a) Award In Applied Mathematics - This award is presented annually to the best student in applied mathematics. It is based on third-year performance.

b) Louis Kamien Award - In memory of Louie Kamien, this annual award will be made to a student with outstanding achievement in the program in Jewish Teacher Education.

c) Mark A. Levy Award - Prizes will be awarded annually to outstanding Faculty of Science and Engineering students enrolled in third- or fourth-year computer science courses.

d) Nancy Waisbord Award - An award will be presented to a graduating student who has consistently demonstrated excellence in undergraduate studies in computer science.

Allen S. Berg Film and Video Graduation Prize

Donor: Allen S. Berg

The Allen S. Berg Film and Video Graduation Prize recognizes academic/artistic excellence. It is awarded annually in spring to the student graduating with the highest academic standing from an Honours program in the Department of Film.

Allen S. Berg Prize in Excellence in Engineering

Donor: Allen S. Berg

The Allen S. Berg Prize for Excellence in Engineering is awarded annually to a student enrolled in computer engineering who has completed a minimum of 60 credits and who has the highest cumulative grade point average.

Allen S. Berg Prize for Excellence in Technology Learning

Donor: Allen S. Berg

The prize will be awarded to an outstanding graduating student in a technology learning program who began his or her academic studies at Seneca College before transferring to York. The qualifying programs consist of Information Technology (ITEC), Information Technology and Mathematics for Commerce (ITMC) (Arts BA), Information Technology and Statistics (ITST) (Arts BA), Information Technology and Applied Mathematics (ITAM) (Arts BA), Information Technology and Mathematics (ITMA) (Arts BA), Information Technology and Health Informatics (TECI) (Atkinson BA), Information Technology and Professional Writing (ITPW) (Atkinson BA), and Information Technology and Social Issues (TESI) (Atkinson BA).

Hy and Helen Bergel Prize for Excellence in Jewish Studies

Donor: Mr. Hy Bergel

The Hy and Helen Bergel Prize for Excellence in Jewish Studies will be awarded annually to a student who excels in Biblical and Rabbinic Studies. Students taking humanities courses 2810 or 3810; Hebrew courses 3320, 3330, 3360, or 3370; or any course deemed to be acceptable by the Centre for Jewish Studies Awards Committee, will be eligible. Students may apply or be nominated by a faculty member. Further information regarding this award may be obtained by contacting the Centre for Jewish Studies, 241 Vanier College, 416-736-5823.

Hakan Berggren Fellowship

Donor: Friends of Ambassador Hakan Berggren

The Hakan Berggren Fellowship has been established by the members of the Swedish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce to recognize the contribution of Ambassador Berggren to Canada-Sweden relationships and, in particular, to academic linkages between our two countries. The Fellowship will support two students annually--a Swedish student studying at York and a York student studying at a Swedish university.

Norman Bethune Prize for Outstanding Contributions to College Life

Donor: Norman Bethune College Council

This annual award and a plaque will normally be given to the one or at most two students who have made outstanding contributions to the college's community life that year or over a period of years. For further information, contact the Norman Bethune College Master's Office at 416-736-5164.

Blishen-Richmond Award for the Outstanding Sociology Student

Donor: Sociology Undergraduate Student Association

This award is named in honour of Professors Bernard Blishen and Anthony Richmond, distinguished sociologists who have retired from the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts. The award (a plaque) will be presented annually to the Honours (Specialized, Combined or General) sociology Arts graduand selected as outstanding among the candidates in both the fall (previous year) and spring graduands.

Ronald Bloore Award

Donor: Ronald Bloore

The Ronald Bloore Award is given annually to an undergraduate student in excellent academic standing who is enrolled in second or higher year of studies in the Department of Visual Arts. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need. The award was established in honour of noted Canadian artist and York Professor Emeritus Ronald Bloore.

Ron Bordessa Prize

This prize was established to honour Ron Bordessa, Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, who served as Dean of the Joseph E Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies for two terms. His tenure at York University/Atkinson also included the positions of Associate Dean, Chair of Geography and Social Work, and Coordinator of Urban Studies. The Ron Bordessa Prize is available to an Atkinson student who has completed at least 36 Atkinson credits with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 7.0 (B+) and who is majoring in an area of the social sciences (political science, sociology, interdisciplinary social science, or other programs within the School of Social Sciences; or economics); or Social Work. In making the selection, a student's special needs or circumstances may be taken into consideration.

Hédi Bouraoui Essay Prize

Donor: French Department

This award commemorates Professor Hédi Bouraoui on the occasion of his retirement. It will be awarded to a third- or fourth-year student in French in any of the disciplines (language, linguistics or literature) who has written a meritorious essay in French.

The Hédi Bouraoui Mediterranean Scholarship with Emphasis on the Maghreb

Donor: Hédi Bouraoui

This award is offered in honour of Hédi Bouraoui, a distinguished York faculty member. It is intended to promote student research into the Maghreb set in a Mediterranean context. The Maghreb is an area of North Africa bordering on the Mediterranean Sea, and has thus historically been a crossroads of civilizations, cultures and religions. The area includes Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, three Arabic- and Berber-speaking countries that also use French extensively. Studies of historical/literary/artistic interaction of, for instance, Spain/Morocco, Italy/Tunisia, France/Algeria/Morocco/Tunisia, eastern Mediterranean (Phoenicians)/North Africa etc., would be encouraged. The scholarship is awarded to the student who presents the best research proposal or the best piece of academic work in an area related to Maghreb studies.

B.W. Boville Prize in Atmospheric Science

Donor: Professor Boville

Awarded to a student completing the third- or fourth-year or certificate program in Atmospheric Science, with a minimum grade point average of 7.0 (B+).

Robert M. Brooks Award

Donor: Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation

The Robert M. Brooks Award is awarded annually to the student in the intermediate and senior program who has shown the most outstanding qualities of scholarship, teaching ability and character throughout the year. The award is presented by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation in memory of Robert M. Brooks, who as principal of Malvern Collegiate Institute, instilled enthusiasm and motivation in his students. For further information regarding this award, contact the Office of Student Programs, Faculty of Education, 416-736-5001. No application required.

Dr. Charles Bull Sport Therapy Scholarship

Donor: York University Sport Therapy Association, School of Kinesiology and Health Science, Friends and Colleagues of Dr. C. Bull, and the Certificate Program in Athletic Therapy

Awarded annually to a continuing Honours kinesiology and health science student with a minimum cumulative grade average of 6.0 (B) and who is enrolled in the Athletic Therapy certificate program. Awarded to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence, service to injured athletes and leadership within the York University Certificate program in Athletic Therapy. The Scholarships and Awards Committee of the School of Kinesiology and Health Science will select the recipient from among applicants.

Jack Bush Scholarships

Donor: Clement Greenberg/Merrit Publishing Company

At least six scholarships will be awarded annually to continuing undergraduate students in the Department of Visual Arts or the Cultural Studies program, Faculty of Fine Arts, concentrating in either studio or art history. Recipients will be selected in the spring; however, they must re-register in the fall of the same year and be registered in at least one visual arts course in order to receive the monetary value. Academic performance will be considered.

Business Economics Department Book Prize, Glendon

The Business Economics Department Book Prize is awarded to a graduating BUEC major at Glendon College, York University in recognition of excellent academic achievement and outstanding contribution to the BUEC program. This prize is available annually but may not be awarded annually.

CAHPERD (Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) Student Award

Awarded annually to a third-year Honours kinesiology and health science major student who has completed a minimum of 60 credits, has played a leadership role in student organizations within the School of Kinesiology and Health Science and has attained a minimum cumulative grade average of 6.0 (B). The recipient shall serve as a liaison between York and CAHPERD during their fourth year of studies and will be encouraged to publicize and promote on campus the professional work of CAHPERD. A certificate and one-year membership in CAHPERD (commencing after graduation) will be presented to the recipient. A recipient will be named early in the fall term by the Awards and Scholarships Committee of the School of Kinesiology and Health Science. Applications are available from the School of Kinesiology and Health Science. Please contact the executive officer of the School of Kinesiology and Health Science for further information and deadline dates.

Canadian Macedonian Federation Scholarship

Donor: Canadian Macedonian Federation

The Canadian Macedonian Federation has over 50 member groups ranging from ethnic dance ensembles to medical associations. It also represents the Macedonian Orthodox churches in the Greater Toronto Area. This scholarship is awarded annually in recognition of academic excellence at York and service through the federation.

Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) Student Award

This award will be given at convocation to the graduating Honours kinesiology and health science major student achieving the highest academic standing in the sports sciences portion of their curriculum. The recipient is awarded an engraved medallion and citation. Fall graduates will be considered as candidates for this award at the following spring convocation.

Hans Carol Prize

Donor: Friends and Colleagues of the late Hans Carol

As a mark of respect for the memory of Hans Carol (1915-1971), first Chair of the Department of Geography at York University, the University has instituted, at the request of the department, an annual prize in his name to recognize the academic achievements of a third-year student in geography in the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science and Engineering, or the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies.

Charles Street Video Art Award

This annual award will be given to a third- or fourth-year student, enrolled in an interdisciplinary studio course in visual arts, for excellence in video production. The award is based on artistic merit and is available at the end of the winter term. The recipient is chosen by jury selection at the year-end Interdisciplinary Exhibition. The award consists of a one-year membership at Charles Street Video as well as a monetary award to be applied toward the recipient's choice of Charles Street Video workshops, editing and production equipment rental.

Department of Chemistry 1st Year Book Prize

Donor: Chemistry Department

Awarded to an undergraduate student in Honours chemistry, specialized or combined, with the highest academic results in SC/CHEM 1000 3.00 combined with SC/CHEM 1001 3.00. For further information please contact the Department of Chemistry at 416-736-5246.

The Classics Award

Donor: Mr. B.G. and M.E. Thomas

The Classics Award has been established to encourage and reward outstanding students in classics and classical studies, especially those pursuing courses in Greek and Latin literature. The scholarship is to be awarded in May of each year to a student who has completed at least 60 credits towards an Honours degree in classics or classical studies and who has been judged by the Faculty of Arts as most deserving of the award on the basis of academic accomplishment.

R. L. Cohen Scholarship in Psychology

Donor: Eva Cohen

Ronald Cohen taught research methodology and other related courses in the Glendon Psychology Department for 25 years. This scholarship is awarded annually to a psychology major with the highest mark in GL/PSYC 4240 3.00 (or equivalent).

William R. Coleman Essay Prize

This prize honours Professor William R. Coleman who retired from teaching in the former Atkinson Department of Humanities in 1986 and takes the form of a book certificate. An inspired teacher, Professor Coleman served as a model of the interdisciplinary approach highly valued at York University. This prize is offered to the student who has written the best essay in any Atkinson humanities or religious studies course. It is awarded for courses completed in the previous fall/winter and summer session. The School of Arts and Letters will make recommendations to the Awards, Scholarships and Nominating Committee.

Computer Science Academic Achievement Medal

Two awards may be made annually to outstanding graduating students enrolled in an Honours Computer Science program in either the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Science and Engineering. The award is based on academic achievement and contribution to/participation in the life of the department and the University.

Consulate General of Romania Book Prize

Donor: The Consul General of Romania

The Consulate General of Romania is offering an award in the form of a book prize to the best student in computer science at Glendon.

Frank Cosentino Book Prize

This prize is awarded each year after grades processing, to a second-year Honours kinesiology and health science major student who has completed a minimum of 48 credits, with a minimum 6.0 (B) cumulative average in both academic and practicum courses and the highest cumulative grade point average in kinesiology and health science courses. A student may only receive this award once.

C.B. Cragg Prizes for Excellence in Natural Science

Donor: Family and Friends of C.B. Cragg

A fund was set up in 1979 to honour Professor C. Brian Cragg, founding director, lecturer and advocate of the Natural Science program. The fund is used to finance book prizes awarded annually to several undergraduate students who demonstrate excellent achievement in natural science courses.

Cragg Scholarship for Academic Excellence in Science

Donor: Catherine Cragg

This award is given in memory of C. Brian Cragg, chemist, professor and first director of the Division of Natural Science. It will be awarded annually to outstanding students who have distinguished themselves academically and who are enrolled in a full course load.

The Criminology Honours Scholarship

The Criminology Honours Scholarship has been established by the Criminology program to recognize academic excellence in a fourth-year criminology Honours major. The scholarship will be awarded in October of each year to the fourth-year criminology Honours major who attained the highest academic average on a minimum of 24 credits in the previous fall/winter academic session. In the event of a tie, grades achieved in the core criminology courses will be taken into consideration.

Harry S. Crowe Memorial Prize

This prize was established in memory of Harry S. Crowe, Member of the History Department and twice Dean of Atkinson by colleagues and friends and takes the form of a book certificate. It is offered to the student whose academic achievement in any Atkinson course with significant historical content is the highest within a calendar year. An essay may be submitted for consideration either by the writer or by the course director for whom it was written. It is awarded for courses completed in the previous fall/winter and summer session. The School of Arts and Letters will make recommendations to the Awards, Scholarships, and Nominating Committee.

Barbara and Peter Currie Awards

Donor: Barbara and Peter Currie

The Barbara and Peter Currie Awards are given to students who have a minimum 6.0 cumulative grade point average, and who are Ontario residents who demonstrate financial need and are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons. Preference will be given to students who are the first generation in their families to attend postsecondary education.

Esiri Dafiewhare Annual Scholarship

This scholarship is to be awarded annually to a returning undergraduate student who has attained the highest cumulative grade point average in three courses completed toward an Honours Double Major in African Studies. In the event of a tie, the value of the award will be shared by the successful candidates.

Carl Dair Memorial Scholarship

Donor: Friends of the late Carl Dair

A scholarship in recognition of studio performance is awarded annually to a student in the Department of Visual Arts in the Faculty of Fine Arts. This is a spring award.

Dance Scholar's Award

This will be an annual award offered to a fourth-year undergraduate student in the Department of Dance or to a student in the Graduate Program in Dance who has completed course work and is writing a thesis. The award is intended to reward excellence and encourage students to complete their programs of study. The award will be made in the fall of the year but will be offered only if there is a deserving candidate.

Marta Danylewycz Essay Prize

The Atkinson Women's Studies program offers a prize for the best essay submitted in the Humanities on a topic relating to women. Excellence and originality are the chief criteria. The prize is to be awarded annually out of the interest on a capital fund contributed by members and students of the Women's Studies program, in memory of Marta Danylewycz, promising scholar and inspirational teacher in history and women's studies, who died in 1985 at the age of 38. The Atkinson Women's Studies Committee will make recommendations for the prize to the Atkinson Awards, Scholarships and Nominating Committee. Eligible essays may have been written for courses in the previous fall/winter or summer session. Students or course directors may submit eligible essays for consideration by the Atkinson Women's Studies Committee. Further information on this prize is available from the School of Women's Studies.

Ashe Davis Liberal Award

Donor: York Peel Federal Liberal Association

In memory of Mr. Ashe Davis, who was active in the development of policy for the Liberal Party of Canada, an annual award will be given to an Honours undergraduate student in political science who is entering the fourth year of studies. The recipient would be judged to have the highest academic achievement and have demonstrated a special interest in the field of politics.

Dean's Award for Academic Excellence

Awards are given to the students with the highest grade point average in each of first, second, third and fourth year in the Faculty of Arts. Normally, only one prize may be awarded in any given department each academic session.

Dean's Prizes for Excellence

There are two annual prizes in each of the five Fine Arts departments and in the Fine Arts Cultural Studies program. One prize is for scholarly work and the other for creative work. They will be awarded on the basis of completed projects which reflect excellence as established in the criteria by the individual departments.

Rosanna DeBenedictis Memorial Award

Donor: Paola Poletto and Rosa DiPalma

The Rosanna DeBenedictis Memorial Award recognizes excellence and dedication to work in design. The award is given annually to an upper-year visual arts student in the BFA program who is pursuing studies in design. The Rosanna DeBenedictis Memorial Award was established by friends in commemoration of Rosanna DeBenedictis, a graduate of the Department of Visual Arts (BFA 1994).

Thomas W. Doherty Prize in Piano

Although Thomas Doherty was a professor of French literature, he also had a professional profile as a pianist specializing in 19th- and 20th-century French music. This award is presented annually to a student in the Music Department for outstanding performance of a contemporary work for piano as adjudicated by a panel of faculty members from the Music Department.

Drama Studies Book Prize, Glendon

The Drama Studies Book Prize is awarded to a graduating drama studies major at Glendon College, York University in recognition of excellent academic achievement and outstanding contribution to the Drama Studies program. This prize is available annually but may not be awarded annually.

Lily D'Urzo Scholarship

Donor: Friends of the late Lily D'Urzo

Named in honour of Lily D'Urzo, a former York student, this scholarship is awarded annually to an Honours kinesiology and health science major student entering the final year of study. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative average of 6.0 (B), have participated as a member of an interuniversity sport team, and have contributed in a leadership role to the School of Kinesiology and Health Science. Applications are available from the School of Kinesiology and Health Science.

Michael C. Eben Award for Excellence in Academics and Athletics

Donor: Michael C. Eben

The Michael C. Eben Award for Excellence in Academics and Athletics is awarded to a Founders College student who, in the previous academic year, has been a varsity or intramural athlete and has attained an academic standing of 7.0 (B+) in a minimum of 24 credits. Only students who have completed 60 credits may be considered for the award.

Sydney Eisen Book Prize

An annual prize is awarded to the graduating student who has achieved the highest standing in an interdisciplinary program or the Individualized Studies program in the Faculty of Arts.

Fred Elkin Sociology Merit Award

An award for the most distinguished graduating Honours student based on the highest grade point average in sociology courses.

Jack Ellis Achievement Award

This award honours Jack Ellis, professor of environmental studies and the Bachelor in Environmental Studies program's founding program director. It is presented annually to the graduating BES student whose record at York comprises the best all round combination of academic achievement and extracurricular activity.

Elmes-Bedford Prize for Jazz Performance

Donor: Barry Elmes and Jennifer Bedford

This prize will be given annually (winter term) to a first- or second-year student in jazz performance who shows outstanding talent and/or promise on the recommendation of the Music Department.

Tammy Emerton Memorial Award

Donor: McLaughlin College Council and BACCHUS York

Tammy Emerton was an extraordinary individual. Her life ended tragically when she was killed in an auto collision with a drunk driver. She is remembered by her friends at Tatham Hall as both a scholar and athlete. She gave much of herself and asked for little in return. Even in the most difficult moments, Tammy's perpetual smile, warmth and compassion enriched the lives of many in McLaughlin College. Applicants for this award must be students who are active in McLaughlin College; grades are of secondary importance. For further information, contact the Office of the Master, McLaughlin College.

Enbridge Inc. Scholarships

Donor: Enbridge Inc.

The Enbridge Inc. Scholarships was established to provide students pursuing an undergraduate degree with financial support to obtain a university education. Applicants must be continuing students who are commencing their second year of undergraduate study (have completed at least 24 York credits) with a minimum 7.5 cumulative grade point average, and who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, Ontario residents, and who demonstrate financial need. Awards will be given to Canadian Aboriginal students; Faculty of Environmental Studies students; Faculty of Science and Engineering students (starting Fall/Winter 2010-2011 Session).

Department of English Retirees' Scholarship

Donor: Dr. Ruth Grogan

The award will be given annually to the top student, ranking based on cumulative grade point average, in the Department of English at the Faculty of Arts, who is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and a resident of Ontario who demonstrates financial need. Recipients will be enrolled in a major or minor program in the Department of English, have completed at least 21 credits in English, (three and one-half full courses) and be continuing in the English Department with at least 12 credits remaining to graduate, six of which must be in English.

Essay Prize in Canadian Jewish Studies

Donor: Toronto Jewish Historical Society and the Toronto Association for Professionals in Jewish Communal Service

Given to a graduate or undergraduate student for an outstanding essay in Canadian Jewish studies. Donated by the former Toronto Jewish Historical Society and The Toronto Association for Professionals in Jewish Communal Service as a testimonial to the important achievements of those organizations which no longer exist.

Expo 67 Ontario Pavillion Scholarship

Donors: Gary Smith and Eva Innes

On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Montreal World's Fair, the hosts and hostesses of the Ontario Pavillion at Expo 67 are making a $20,000 investment for a scholarship. The scholarship is valued at $1,000 annually for a top performing student from the Province of Quebec attending second, third or final year of undergraduate study at Glendon.