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Professional Certificate in Management - Atkinson

Note: With the establishment of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies on July 1, 2009, degrees and programs in the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies will be moved to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies as of the Fall/Winter 2009-2010 Session. Grandparenting provisions have been developed for students continuing in degrees and programs currently offered in the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies. Details are available on the York University Current Students Web site (

School of Administrative Studies
: Randy Hoffman

Requirements: 42 credits including:

(a) Prerequisites for core requirements:

(b) Core requirements:

Note: To obtain a professional certificate offered by the School of Administrative Studies, at least 18 credits of the ADMS course credits that satisfy certificate requirements must be in addition to those used to satisfy a degree. Students may acquire more than one certificate provided that at least 18 credits in each certificate are unique to the specific certificate.

Course Substitutes: Please refer to the BAS section.

Program Notes: Please refer to the BAS section.