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2007-2008 Undergraduate Calendar
2007-2008 Undergraduate Calendar
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Health Education and Promotion

Health Education and Promotion is located in the Centre for Student Community & Leadership Development. A professional health educator is available to students for free, confidential, individual information and referrals on health related needs. Students can schedule an appointment with a professional health educator to help them answer questions about sexual health, healthy relationships, birth control, smoking cessation, alcohol and drug information, as well as any other health related questions and concerns. In addition, a team of Student Health Educators plan weekly programs, deliver creative presentations, and organize educational events including an annual Health Fair. For more information on Health Education at York visit http://www.yorku.ca/healthed/, e-mail: healthed@yorku.ca or call 416-736-5196.


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last modified:
May 11, 2007

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