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2007-2008 Undergraduate Calendar
2007-2008 Undergraduate Calendar
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<Undergraduate Courses and Programs<Urban Studies

Urban Studies - Departmental Information


Program Office:

S751 Ross Building, 416-736-5054, ext. 77796

Web Address:


Program Coordinator:

J. Caulfield, Social Science

Affiliated Faculty:

R. Basu, Geography; J. Caulfield, Social Science; L. Code, Geography/Social Science; G. Desfor, Environmental Studies; L. Drummond, Social Science; G. Fallis, Economics/Social Science; S. Flusty, Geography; L. Gilbert, Environmental Studies; S. Hornstein, Visual Arts/Fine Arts; E. Isin, Social Science; W. Jenkins, Geography; M.J. Keall, Social Science; R. Keil, Environmental Studies; S. Kipfer, Environmental Studies; L. Lo, Geography; G. Norcliffe, Geography; L. Peake, Social Science; V. Preston, Geography; J. Radford, Geography; B. Rahder, Environmental Studies; M. Stein, History; G. Wekerle, Environmental Studies; P. Wood, Geography; D. Young, Social Science



School of Social Sciences
302 Atkinson Building, Tel: 416-736-5235, Fax: 416-650-3876, e-mail: ssocials@yorku.ca

Chair of the School:

T. Das Gupta



Professors Emeriti:

W.C. Mahaney, J.D. Wood

Associate Professor:

J. Mensah


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last modified:
June 19, 2007

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