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2006-2007 Undergraduate Calendar
2006-2007 Undergraduate Calendar
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Geography - Departmental Information

Arts, Science and Engineering:

Department Office:

N430 Ross Building, 416-736-5107

Web Address:


Chair of the Department:

P. Wood


Q. Cheng, D.B. Freeman, A.R. Hill, B.H. Massam, G.B. Norcliffe, V.A. Preston, J.P. Radford

Professors Emeriti:

J.T. Davis, W.C. Found, J.R. Gibson, B.V. Gutsell, C. Heidenreich, M.C. Kellman, J.U. Marshall, H.R. Merrens, R.A. Murdie, G.J. Warkentin, R.I. Wolfe

Associate Professors:

R.L. Bello, P. Kelly, L. Lo, A. Robert, P. Wood, K.L. Young

Associate Professors Emeriti:

A.M. Blair, I.A. Brookes, G.E. Walker

Assistant Professors:

R. Basu, L. Code, R. Das, S. Flusty, W. Jenkins, K. McLeod, R. Roth



School of Social Sciences
303 Atkinson Building, Tel: 416-736-5235, Fax: 416-650-3876, e-mail: ssocials@yorku.ca

Chair of the School:

T. Das Gupta

Undergraduate Program Director:

J. Mensah


W.C. Mahaney

Professors Emeriti:

L. Hodgins, J.D. Wood

Associate Professor:

J. Mensah

Associate Professors Emeriti:

F.A. Barrett, J.M. Cameron


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last modified:
March 6, 2007

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