<Undergraduate Courses and Programs<Biology
Biology - Departmental Information
Department Office:
247 Farquharson, 416-736-5243
Undergraduate Office:
108 Farquharson, 416-736-5311
Chair of the Department:
I. Coe
Undergraduate Coordinator:
T. Noel
University Professor:
R.E. Pearlman
University Professor Emeritus:
A.S.M. Saleuddin
Distinguished Research Professors Emeriti:
K.G. Davey, P.B. Moens
A.J. Hilliker, R.R. Lew, L.E. Licht, L.D.M. Packer, J. Sapp, J.S. Shore, C.G.H. Steel, B.J. Stutchbury, R.A. Webb, H. Wilson, G.E. Wu, N. Yan
Professors Emeriti:
B.G. Loughton, D.M. Nicholls
Associate Professors:
D.R. Bazely, I. Coe, M.M. Crerar, L. Donaldson, P. Lakin-Thomas, J.C. McDermott, C. Peng, G. Sweeney, K.A. White
Assistant Professors:
K. Hudak, S. Kelly, C. Lortie, R. Quinlan, M. Scheid, S. Wright
Associate Lecturers:
E.C. Gardonio, P.J. Wilson
Assistant Lecturers:
B. Czaban, T. Noel