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2006-2007 Undergraduate Calendar
2006-2007 Undergraduate Calendar
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In 2005, York University's Senate and Board of Governors approved a new Faculty of Health. This major new initiative represents an exciting opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students with varied interests and academic backgrounds to examine health and health care from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

The new Faculty will offer a range of perspectives on health drawn from natural science, social science, nursing, humanities, management and administration. The Faculty's vision is driven by the following principals and goals:

  • to promote York's expertise in teaching, research, and practice in health by bringing it together in one Faculty;
  • to foster the development of new academic programs in health at York that capitalize on existing strengths among faculty members across the University; and,
  • to create an academic environment and culture that will support the continual development of novel, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to health and health care.

A distinctive Faculty of Health brings together a range of perspectives on health drawn from the sciences, social sciences, nursing, management and administration, humanities and informatics. This multi-disciplinary approach creates opportunities to explore a wide variety of health issues ranging from public policy decisions to the search for better clinical interventions.

A variety of methods for studying health and social phenomena will be used in the Faculty, ranging from experimental and epidemiological techniques to clinical case studies, oral histories and ethnographic observation. Research will focus not only on hospitals and clinics but communities, homes, farms, schools, factories and the global economic environment.


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last modified:
March 6, 2007

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