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2005-2006 Undergraduate Calendar
2005-2006 Undergraduate Calendar
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<General Information<Academic Services and Support

Women's Centre

We provide peer counselling, support, referrals and advocacy to women and/or trans people who would like support around a broad base of issues including housing, legal aid, abortion, psychiatric survivor and consumer issues, rape, incest, sexual harassment, racial harassment, gender questioning, birth control, coming out etc. We offer a comfortable lounge with couches and chairs, computer, free phone, fridge, microwave, coffee/tea, and a resource library. We work with other organizations on and off campus through an anti-oppression framework. We are funded by York students and are driven by staff and non-staff collective members and a large group of volunteers who are committed to making the centre a reliable direct service. The centre also has working groups that make the centre a resource base for activism at York and in the broader community. Get in touch to find out how you can get involved! The York Women's Centre is located in 322 Student Centre. All of our services are open to women and/or trans people. For further information, call 416-736-2100 ext. 33484 or e-mail us at ywc@riseup.net.


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last modified:
January 28, 2011

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