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2005-2006 Undergraduate Calendar
2005-2006 Undergraduate Calendar
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<Undergraduate Courses and Programs

International Development Studies

The Interdisciplinary Program in International Development Studies offers a variety of courses in the field of development studies. Students in the program are required to complete a coherent set of core courses, as well as a selection of courses from a number of departments and disciplines which focus on the histories, political economies and cultures of various regions and their diasporic communities. The core courses identify central issues in the field from a critical liberal arts and comparative perspective, and introduce students to specific analytical methods and techniques in the field of development studies. While highlighting common themes in the field of development, the core courses also emphasize the diversity of experiences in the developing world and the regional and subregional specificities. In addition to the core courses, the program consists of introductory area studies courses, intended to familiarize students with the social, political, economic and cultural dynamics of regions in the developing world, and additional courses grouped into the following areas of concentration: culture; diasporas and migration; environment; gender; political economy; politics, governance and policy.

The International Development Studies Program is intended to provide students with a thorough grounding in the history, debates, dimensions, institutional approaches and critiques of the field. As well, students in the program will develop the skills and knowledge required to read the documents of international development/financial institutions such as the CIDA and the World Bank, understand the institutional language of development professionals, and create and implement development research or delivery proposals.

Faculty of Arts


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