2002-2003 Calendar
Table of Contents |
Faculty of Arts |
Faculty of Education |
of Environmental Studies |
of Fine Arts |
of Pure and Applied Science |
Atkinson Faculty of Liberal
and Professional Studies |
Osgoode Hall Law School |
Schulich School of Business
of Instruction |
College |
Glendon College
Glendon is York's bilingual liberal arts Faculty.
It is the only institution in southern Ontario where university programs
are offered in both French and English. Glendon offers a superior environment
for pursuing undergraduate studies. Situated in a park-like setting, bordering
the glen of the Don Valley river, Glendon campus is an oasis of peace
and beauty. Considering its small size, the student/teacher ratio is one
of the best.
Glendon is also dedicated to the proposition that an
undergraduate liberal arts education is more relevant today than ever
before. Upon graduation, students must be prepared to evolve in society
and understand its workings in order to get involved and contribute in
a constructive and positive manner. A good liberal arts curriculum
imparts basic skills of study, thought and expression, and stimulates
individual curiosity and exploration, both of the inner personality and
of the external environment. Glendon is proud of its quality programs
that prepare students for interesting careers in fields as diverse as
business, commerce, finance, public administration, education, computer
science and translation. Glendon offers 20 programs leading to a bachelor's
degree, a master's degree in translation and a master's degree in études
françaises. Prerequisite courses are offered for the BBA, MBA and LLB
Glendon is unique because students may take university-level
courses in both Canada's official languages which are integrated into
bilingual programs. Students do not have to be bilingual to be admitted
to Glendon. However, they can of course choose the number of courses they
take in their second language according to their own linguistic goal.
Anglophones and francophones from Canada and other parts of the world
all find what they are looking for in a home at Glendon: a solid, liberal
arts education and a thorough knowledge of Canadian French and English
language and culture.
With its small size and ideal location in the heart
of Toronto, Glendon College, operating within the ambit of a big University,
can offer students the best of both worlds. The size and cohesiveness
of the college mean that students have direct and ready access to professors,
fellow students and administrators. In a college of about 2,000 students,
relations can be more personal and informal - less bureaucratic. The quality
of education is enhanced, as well as professional scholarship and research,
which in turn contributes to enriching teaching. Glendon students also
have the opportunity to study abroad in their third year of an Honours
program, at French Canadian universities or universities around the world,
thanks to an exchange program at Glendon. Glendon has negotiated formal
exchange agreements with l'Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium,
l'Université de Rouen in France, l'Université de Montréal in Québec
and all French Canadian universities outside Québec. York University's
program, in which Glendon also participates, is even larger and includes
agreements with more than 20 countries such as Mexico, Sweden, Israel,
Japan and Hong Kong.
At Glendon students may study part time or full time,
primarily during the day. Students who are interested in education may
coregister with the Faculty of Education to complete concurrent degrees
in arts and education. Glendon has also negotiated an agreement with the
Faculty of Education of the University of Ottawa and students from the
centre-south-west region may now be registered at the University of Ottawa
and attend their BEd program on the Glendon campus.
Student life at Glendon is full of extracurricular
activities organized by and for students on campus, e.g. Theatre Glendon
productions, the winter carnival, the musical ensemble, poetry nights
etc. Students come from all parts of the world to benefit from Glendon's
academic excellence, reputation and bilingual culture, and in turn offer
us the cultural richness and different viewpoints of more than 50 countries.