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2002-2003 Calendar

Table of Contents
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental Studies
Faculty of Fine Arts
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies
Osgoode Hall Law School
Schulich School of Business
Courses of Instruction
Glendon College

Course Types

Degree requirements in the Faculty of Fine Arts refer to the following categories of courses:

General Education Courses

Six credits in each of the general areas of the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences must be completed within the first 90 credits. Courses may be selected from the following departments:


Natural Science

Social Science

Classical Studies






French Studies

Earth and Atmospheric Science



Environmental Studies ES/ENVS 1500 6.0

Political Science


Natural Science


Languages and Linguistics

Physics and Astronomy

Social Science

Modes of Reasoning

Science and Technology Studies (AK/STS)





Faculty of Fine Arts students may also satisfy the humanities general education requirement by taking either FA/FACS 1900 6.0 or FA/FACS 2900 6.0. However, if either course is counted as a humanities course, it cannot also be counted in another category.

Non-Fine Arts Electives

In addition to the general education courses, most fine arts students are required to complete additional courses outside the fine arts disciplines. The number of non-fine arts electives required varies according to the major and degree program. Courses taken towards a major or a minor program in the Faculties of Arts, Environmental Studies or Pure and Applied Science will satisfy this requirement.

Fine Arts Electives

All students in a fine arts degree program or an Honours Major/Minor program must complete at least 12 credits in fine arts outside their major discipline. Courses completed as part of a minor program in the Faculty of Fine Arts will satisfy this requirement. Fine arts electives are not required in any Honours Double Major program.

The following creative writing workshop courses may be counted as either fine arts electives, or as non-fine arts electives, but not as both:

  • AS/HUMA 2900 9.0
  • AS/EN 3240 6.0
  • AS/HUMA 3640 6.0
  • AS/HUMA 3645 6.0
  • AS/HUMA 4630 6.0
  • AS/HUMA 4640 6.0

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