2002-2003 Calendar
Table of Contents |
Faculty of Arts |
Faculty of Education |
of Environmental Studies |
of Fine Arts |
of Pure and Applied Science |
Atkinson Faculty of Liberal
and Professional Studies |
Osgoode Hall Law School |
Schulich School of Business
of Instruction |
College |
Passed Courses
A passed course is one in which the student has
achieved a grade of D or better. A student who has received a passing
grade for a course may not repeat that course or take an equivalent
or excluded course for degree credit.
However, students are allowed to retake a passed
course once for academic degree or certificate credit only if the
student has failed to achieve sufficient standing to proceed in
a core or prerequisite course in a degree or certificate program,
and if no alternative remedies are provided. When a student is allowed
to repeat a passed course for academic degree or certificate credit,
both grades are counted in the grade point average and both grades
will be included on a transcript. A course will only be credited
once towards satisfaction of academic degree or certificate credit
requirements. Passed courses which are repeated will have the notation
REP (repeated course) beside the first occurrence of the course
on a transcript.