2002-2003 Calendar
Table of Contents |
Faculty of Arts |
Faculty of Education |
of Environmental Studies |
of Fine Arts |
of Pure and Applied Science |
Atkinson Faculty of Liberal
and Professional Studies |
Osgoode Hall Law School |
Schulich School of Business
of Instruction |
College |
International Development Studies
Note: For purposes of meeting program requirements,
all foundations courses will count as six credits towards the major
or minor.
Students in all international development studies
degree options will complete a specified number of required core
courses at the 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 levels. Some of the degree
options require the completion of at least one introductory area
studies course, intended to familiarize students with the social,
political, economic, and cultural dynamics of one region in the
developing world. Students will also be required to complete a specified
number of additional optional courses offered in various academic
units at the 3000 and 4000 levels, chosen from at least two of the
following areas of concentration:
- culture
- diasporas and migration
- environment
- gender
- political economy
- politics, governance, and policy
Area Requirements
Students will choose their optional courses in
areas of concentration from the following list with the approval
of the program coordinator. (Other courses may be substituted with
the approval of the program coordinator.)
Area 1) Culture
- AS/EN 3440 6.0
- AS/EN 4230D 3.0
- FA/FILM 3610 3.0
- AK/HUMA 3660 3.0 or AK/HUMA 3660 6.0
- AS/HUMA 3310 6.0
- AS/HUMA 4310 6.0
- AS/SOSC 3480 6.0
- AS/SOSC 4310 3.0
- AS/SOSC 4311 3.0
- AS/SOSC 4990N 6.0
Area 2) Diasporas and Migration
- AS/ANTH 3250 6.0
- AS/GEOG 3390K 3.0
- AS/GEOG 4170 3.0
- AK/HIST 3240 6.0
- AK/HIST 3940 6.0
- AK/POLS 3620 6.0
- AS/POLS 3065 3.0
- AS/SOCI 3430 6.0
- AS/SOCI 3450 6.0
- AS/SOCI 4350 3.0
- AS/SOCI 4390 3.0
- AS/SOCI 4430 3.0
- AK/SOSC 3350 6.0
- AK/SOSC 3370 6.0
- AS/SOSC 3270 6.0
Area 3) Environment
- AS/ANTH 3190 6.0
- AK/GEOG 3400 6.0
- AK/GEOG 3470 3.0
- AS/GEOG 3090 3.0
- AS/GEOG 4370 3.0
- AS/HIST 4240 6.0
- AS/SOCI 3710 6.0
- AS/SOSC 3730 6.0
- ES/ENVS 3310 3.0
- ES/ENVS 3340 3.0
- ES/ENVS 4111 3.0
- ES/ENVS 4210 3.0
- ES/ENVS 4220 3.0
- ES/ENVS 4311 3.0
Area 4) Gender
- AS/HUMA 3940 6.0
- AS/SOCI 4450 6.0
- AS/SOSC 4170 6.0
- AS/WMST 3502 6.0
- AS/WMST 3503 6.0
- AS/WMST 3512 6.0
- AS/WMST 4506 3.0
- ES/ENVS 4320 3.0
Area 5) Political Economy
- AK/ECON 3550 3.0
- AK/ECON 3560 3.0
- AK/ECON 3570 3.0
- AK/ECON 3580 3.0
- AS/ECON 3150 3.0
- AS/ECON 3310 3.0
- AS/ECON 3320 3.0
- AS/ECON 4129 3.0
- AS/ECON 4190 3.0
- AS/ECON 4619 3.0
- AS/GEOG 3130 3.0
- AK/POLS 3700 6.0
- AS/POLS 3270 3.0
- AS/POLS 3275 3.0
- AS/POLS 3710 3.0
- AS/POLS 4700 3.0
- AS/POLS 4295 3.0
- AS/POLS 4700 3.0
- AS/POLS 4770 3.0
- GL/POLS 4680 6.0
- AS/SOCI 3090A 6.0
- AK/SOSC 3510 6.0
- AS/SOSC 3241 3.0
- AS/SOSC 3410 6.0
- AS/SOSC 3540 6.0
Area 6) Politics, Governance, and Policy
- AS/HIST 3710 6.0
- AK/POLS 3600 6.0
- AK/POLS 4060 6.0
- AS/POLS 3200 3.0
- AS/POLS 3210 3.0
- AS/POLS 3510 6.0
- AS/POLS 3515 3.0
- AS/POLS 3550 3.0
- AS/POLS 3555 3.0
- AS/POLS 3560 6.0
- AS/POLS 3570 3.0
- AS/POLS 4540 6.0
- AS/POLS 4575 3.0
- AS/POLS 4595 3.0
- GL/POLS 3220 6.0
- GL/POLS 3615 6.0
- AS/SOCI 3330 6.0
Specialized Honours BA Program
Students will take at least 60 credits including
the following:
- AS/SOSC 1430 9.0;
- AS/SOSC 2800 6.0;
- six credits chosen from the following: AS/HUMA 1400 9.0, AS/HUMA
2310 9.0, AS/SOSC 2480 9.0, AS/SOSC 2460 6.0, or AS/SOSC 2435
- AS/SOSC 3800 6.0;
- AS/SOSC 4600 6.0;
- 18 credits, including at least six credits in each of three
areas of concentration;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level in two of the three areas of concentration.
Honours BA Program
Students will take at least 48 credits including
the following:
- AS/SOSC 1430 9.0;
- AS/SOSC 2800 6.0;
- six credits chosen from the following: AS/HUMA 1400 9.0, AS/HUMA
2310 9.0, AS/SOSC 2480 9.0, AS/SOSC 2460 6.0, AS/SOSC 2435 6.0;
- AS/SOSC 3800 6.0;
- AS/SOSC 4600 6.0;
- 12 credits, including at least six credits in each of two areas
of concentration;
- six credits at the 4000 level in one of the two areas of concentration.
Honours Double Major BA Program
The Honours BA program described above may be
pursued jointly with any other Honours bachelor's degree program
in the Faculties of Arts, Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, or with
a major in earth and atmospheric science or physics and astronomy
in the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA Program
International development studies may be linked
with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the
Faculty of Arts. Students must take at least 36 credits in international
development studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary
program. Courses taken to meet international development studies
requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the
interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs
must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including
at least six credits in international development studies and six
credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of
requirements, see the listings for specific Honours Double Major
Interdisciplinary BA programs.
The 36 credits in international development studies
must include the following:
- AS/SOSC 1430 9.0;
- AS/SOSC 2800 6.0;
- AS/SOSC 3800 6.0;
- AS/SOSC 4600 6.0;
- 12 credits, including at least six credits in each of two areas
of concentration.
Honours Major/Minor BA Program
The Honours BA Program in International Development
Studies described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours
Minor bachelor's degree program in the Faculties of Arts, Environmental
Studies, Fine Arts, or with a minor in biology, chemistry, or physics
and astronomy in the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science.
Honours Minor BA Program
The Honours Minor must be pursued jointly with
an Honours Major/Minor BA program in the Faculty of Arts.
The Honours Minor in international development
studies comprises at least 30 credits including the following:
- AS/SOSC 1430 9.0;
- AS/SOSC 2800 6.0;
- AS/SOSC 3800 6.0;
- 12 credits, including at least six credits in each of two areas
of concentration, and including at least six credits at the 3000
or 4000 level.
Note: Faculty of Arts legislation requires
that, in order to obtain an Honours BA (120 credits), students must
take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including
at least 12 credits at the 4000 level in each Honours major or Specialized
Honours major.
BA Program
Students will take at least 30 credits including
the following:
- AS/SOSC 1430 9.0;
- AS/SOSC 2800 6.0;
- AS/SOSC 3800 6.0;
- 12 credits, including at least six credits in each of two areas
of concentration, and including at least six credits at the 3000
or 4000 level.
Please refer to the current departmental/divisional
supplemental calendar for updated program/major requirements.