<York Calendars<Undergraduate
Calendar 2001-2002<Glendon College<General
Counselling and Career Centre
Counselling and Career Centre offers a wide variety of bilingual
counselling and career services to Glendon students. To make an
appointment you can either drop by the centre, located in E103 Glendon
Hall, or phone 416-487-6709.
Personal Counselling
come to the Counselling and Career Centre with a diversity of problems
and needs. Some common concerns experienced by students at university
are: living away from home for the first time, work pressures, forming
new relationships and confusion over goals and identity. At the
Counselling and Career Centre you will find professionally trained
counsellors who will listen to your concerns and help you sort things
out. All matters discussed at the centre are strictly confidential.
Career Counselling
issues are a major concern for everyone. While some students have
clear career goals, the majority are not yet sure which career path
suits them. The centre offers individual and group career planning
sessions to help you explore your interests, abilities and values.
Interest tests are also available to assist you with your career
planning. In addition there are career information days and employment
fairs held during the year.
Group Programs
Counselling and Career Centre offers workshops on many topics including:
avoiding procrastination, stress management, communication skills,
weight management, increasing self-confidence, relaxation training,
career options, job search strategies, resume writing and interview
preparation. In addition, there is a support group for students
who have been out of school for a period of time.
Learning Skills
often lack a systematic approach to studying and therefore feel
overwhelmed by their studies. Throughout the year, the Counselling
and Career Centre offers workshops on study skills which include
time management, note taking, reading a textbook and exam preparation
strategies. You can also make an individual appointment with a counsellor
to discuss any of your study problems.
Learning Disabilities Program
students with learning disabilities, the Counselling and Career
Centre provides a comprehensive support/instructional program called
SURPASS. The program includes personal, career and learning skills
counselling, a peer tutoring program, adaptive technology. The Centre
arranges with faculty for special accommodations needed for course
evaluations and examinations.
Sexual Harassment Complaint Centre
Counselling and Career Centre acts as a liaison to the Sexual Harassment
Education and Complaint Centre located on the Keele campus.
Resource Centre
is an excellent resource library in the centre, where you are welcome
to drop in and browse. It contains educational and occupational
information, career planning reference guides, as well as self-help
materials on personal issues, job search techniques, resume writing,
job interview tips and study skills. In addition, you can access
volunteer positions and job postings, an Internet employment site
and Discover, a computerized career exploration database.