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<York Calendars<Undergraduate Calendar 2001-2002<Faculty of Education<Concurrent BEd Program

Standards and Procedures for Admission to the Concurrent Program

To apply to coregister in the Faculty of Education, a student must:

  • have completed by April 30th a minimum of 24 credits of a first year of undergraduate studies or the equivalent,


  • have a minimum of 36 credits left to complete their academic degree.

Applicants must have a minimum C+ overall average or Honours standing and be admitted to and continuing in an undergraduate program in one of the Faculties of Arts, Atkinson, Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science or Glendon.

Applicants normally complete both degrees (e.g. BA and BEd) within four years of coregistering; and both degrees must be conferred at the same convocation.

Applicants must attend both Education classes and weekly practice teaching during the daytime throughout the academic year.

Applicants must complete at least 12 credits towards their academic degree in each calendar year (i.e. Sept. to Aug.) to comply with the concurrency requirements of the Faculty of Education.

Successful candidates are normally selected on the basis of education-related experience, references, university grade point averages and individual interviews.

Note: An application will not be regarded as complete until all documents and materials have been received by the Faculty of Education. It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that their file is complete.

Application forms for the Concurrent program are available in mid-December for admission to the Faculty of Education for the following academic year. For information contact the Office of Student Programs, Faculty of Education, S835 Ross Building, York University, 416-736-5001. On the Glendon campus, application forms may be obtained from the Glendon Liaison Office, C102 York Hall, Glendon College, 2275 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M6; tel. 416-487-6710.

Please note that Glendon College students take their Education courses at the Keele Campus.


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