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<York Calendars<Undergraduate Calendar 2001-2002<Faculty of Education<Concurrent BEd Program

Concurrent BEd Program

The Faculty of Education also offers a concurrent, coregistered BEd degree. This means that teacher candidates pursuing BEd studies are also working towards the completion of a BA, BES, BSc or BFA degree. The course work of an Arts, Pure and Applied Science, Environmental Studies or Fine Arts program is spread over an additional year in order that one to two Education courses may be taken in each year of coregistration. The academic Bachelor program, normally requiring three years for completion, will require four years when taken concurrently with the Education degree. Similarly, an Honours program which usually requires four years for completion will require five years.

Students enrolled in an Honours program in their academic Faculty may register in any one of the three basic programs. Students wishing to graduate with a Bachelor program degree from their academic Faculty are eligible to enrol in the Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate programs only.

In order to coregister, students must apply to be admitted to each Faculty separately. Only those students who are admitted to an undergraduate degree program at York are eligible to be admitted to coregister in Education. While coregistered, the combined study program of each candidate is subject to the approval of the two Faculties. The BEd degree is awarded only in conjunction with an academic degree as described above.

Successful graduates receive both a BA degree (or BSc, BES or BFA degree) and a BEd degree, as well as a recommendation for the Ontario Certificate of Qualification.

Note: The Concurrent program is a three-year program with a practicum to be completed in each year.


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