<York Calendars<Undergraduate
Calendar 2001-2002<Faculty of Arts<Term
Work, Test and Examinations
General Regulations
who are being tested or examined are required to present their Sessional
Identification Card and a YorkCard.
Answer Booklets
booklets are the property of the University. Test papers, examination
booklets and other answer forms remain the property of the University
unless they are released by an instructor. Students may not remove
them from the test or examination room without permission; nor may
they possess blank examination booklets.
Students' Right to Review
may always have the opportunity, under properly controlled conditions,
to review and discuss their graded test and examination answers,
but final examination answer booklets (and at the discretion of
the course director, other answer booklets) remain the property
of the University and are retained by the teaching unit for a certain
period of time before they are destroyed.