<York Calendars<Undergraduate
Calendar 2001-2002<Faculty of Arts<Programs
of Study
General Certificate in Refugee and Migration
Note: For purposes of meeting certificate requirements, all Foundations
courses will count as 6 credits.
York University students may earn a General Certificate in Refugee
and Migration Studies in addition to fulfilling the requirements
for a Bachelors degree. To qualify for the General Certificate in
Refugee and Migration Studies, students must complete AS/SOSC 1130
9.0 and 18 additional credits from a list of approved courses of
which at least 12 credits must be at the 3000 or 4000 level, the
cumulative grade point average in these courses must be 5.0 or higher
and other relevant Faculty of Arts requirements governing the award
of a General Certificate will apply. Further information is available
from the Education Coordinator, Centre for Refugee Studies.
Required Courses
- AS/SOSC 1130 9.0;
- and 18 credits in Core Courses chosen from the following: AS/GEOG
4370 3.0, AS/HIST 3750 6.0, AS/POLS 3260 6.0, AS/POLS 3560 6.0,
AS/POLS 4440 6.0, AS/SOSC 2480 9.0, AS/SOCI 3430 6.0, AS/SOCI
3450 6.0, AS/SOCI 4350 3.0 or AS/SOCI 4430 3.0.
Note: Students are required to meet prerequisites for core courses.